Chapter 10



We see what we believe because we have been made to believe that God is always on our side when the overwhelming evidence says otherwise. We will see something different if we also believe it.


Those that find, grasp and anchor soundly will be those that will overcome and drink from the spring of the river of the water of life.


A vivid picture of humility, steadfastness and resourcefulness will manifest itself when we reach the stage where we have learnt the lesson in how to believe, stand, abide, persevere and rest on solid, holy ground for the best, without allowing love, kindness and necessary submission to be seen as a sign of weakness.


Whatever challenges we face can always be overcome if we show the right attitude when destiny allows, because of the humility we manifest before one another, as servants of one another, and God who is ever present "also a servant" and not the other way round as we have been led to believe.


I receive satisfaction and enlightenment from any Holy Book or all other worthwhile material that God allows me to read, but the bible is the main one that He chose for my education and growth and by no means do I belittle any other.


There are clues inserted and left for us relating to this period in the bible that take the mind beyond the normal aspirations of present knowledge.


With insight because of the clues that the Spirit not only leads us to, but also coupled with the imagination that He opens up and tied to the overall understanding that some of us have in how things work in an all round technological manner, He then sets the mind in motion creating and releasing the bigger picture not possible before in other times.


I do need to quote the following scripture regarding Joshua otherwise critics or sceptics will have a field day regarding what God intends to open up in later passages and chapters.


JOSHUA Chapter 5 Verses 13 – 16 New Century Version NCV

13 Joshua was near Jericho when he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a sword in his hand.
Joshua went to him and asked. Are you a friend or an enemy?

14 The man answered, I am neither. I have come as the commander of the Lords army. Then Joshua bowed face down on the ground and asked. Does my master have a command for me, his servant?

15 The commander of the Lords army answered. Take off your sandals, because the place where you are standing is holy. So Joshua did.


We see Joshua with his face to the ground just as John does in the book of Revelation before the angel of the Lord who proceeds to tell him that there is no need for him to fall down and worship at his feet as he is also a fellow servant just like him in:

Revelation Chapter 22 Verses 8 – 9.

Revelation in bibles of other languages can be given as the book of the Apocalypse.


And God represented by the angel neither wants us to bow down before Him or worship Him because He makes it very clear that He is also a servant, someone who serves his purpose amongst us in the role of the Spirit, and the passages given above actually prove it because the man tells Joshua that he is neither a friend or foe.


The Spirit is indefatigable (never tiring), a living entity but nevertheless not flesh and blood that He has to sleep even though the scripture says that we are created in his likeness and image, inferring that He is a being that we resemble but this is not true as far as the Spirit goes.


The Spirit is the force and power, the source of all combined working knowledge and action, created by those whom we resemble that maintains the rule of cause and effect by drawing from its never ending supply of information.


I will explain later when God further directs who the others are and how the Spirit is able to be omni everything.


Please bear with me as it’s not easy with all the contradictions, different meanings and symbols within the Bible, and again please those belonging to other faiths with always God willing attached, should if led, check and make sure that the same is not apparent in their God chosen Holy Books.


This is part of the new frontier that has to be conquered and established, coupled to the understanding of who God really is, to remove all barriers if we are to become one and care as one for one another.


Returning back to where the man with a sword was standing before Joshua and said, “I am NEITHER friend or enemy”, when he enquired whose side he was on.

What does this imply? God the Spirit as the Commander which the man said he was is just an arbiter.


As I stated before, God is the perfect judge and scales of life. He only does what is right without showing favour or partiality, so therefore how can He be worshipped when his role requires him to constantly shift sides from good to bad and serve us or command us with a purpose because of what we create and establish in a just or unjust way? By adding, always more unjust due to the fact that we lack the finer points of a balanced existence because no matter how high our achievements, there is always room and scope for more, and more will be available but with incredible hardships for those that destiny can't provide strength enough to overcome.


The thoughts that constantly enter our minds when we are on our own or assembled together are not always good and we know that what is taught is also not always right, even though God’s presence on the inside or outside of us is with us at home, in meetings and gatherings.


We need to take special consideration and think again about so many things that we take for granted but without enough careful awareness and satisfactory foresight.


Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, I am a fellow servant just like you and as Jesus said so many times the words I AM in the gospels, just as God told Moses to tell pharaoh I AM when Moses was scared to go to him.


The same I AM, the serving God amongst all of us, is working through me and others who have the truth today or will have in the future, always in part never fully as there is always room for more and also possible as in the past that the same people might be suspect of confusing ideology, which we need to also be the judge of, as we are never perfect and continually have to work at it in so many varied areas to find ways to attain to what is perfect or reasonably perfect, and when found we all should bow down before it in the same way as if we were on holy ground, because this is the only thing that will take us to higher ground and make us worthy to attain a more glorious reward which will sustain and increase our lives for longer and when those that are unwilling to bend by reshaping or giving way in the light of truth, the others who know better without being passive or complacent should clearly demonstrate them the facts.


The different ways that we encounter in life through the ages change but God still uses all of us in so many ways to shape truth and change, with some more than others. The other thing is that the world never stops revolving from one year to the next but it’s what we do with those years that matter and keeping in mind that nothing ever changes without someone or many picking up the gauntlet to willingly face the challenges ahead with power and strength found only in unity, with the more the better which only the multi-faiths can provide if they do not stick to the letter regarding the bible and by what it says to obey their governments and not be led by the Spirit who knows right and wrong to the smallest detail.


Obeying governments is a good thing when governments are just, and we do know that at times their hands are tied, either because destiny will not allow them the opportunity to create something better because of cause and effect or because of prevailing circumstances best left alone if the times do not warrant the need that anyone should intervene, but the total disarray at present needs immediate remedial if it’s not to further increase dramatically. The psychological war of minds must now be fought. The scripture to obey governments I personally believe that in all probability was conveniently added to the bible because the ruling fathers of religion were "ONE" with those that ruled and used religion by force or other methods to control the masses to do their bidding and for all the good that it has done we fail to take a good serious look at the bad side of it still present today, with all its false teaching and other dividing aspects. Will man ever be free by allowing God to be their only master and will the end be near regarding those who govern with the intentions of self gratification first, before all the people they do not believe that they totally represent otherwise they would do the right thing for everyone’s sake and peace would follow.


Will a more favourable balance be found? And will the ruling in the open or behind the scene cabals and cartels that even religion is part of become a thing of the past, because we are presently arriving at a place where they will be faced with impass situations that cannot be avoided, especially when nothing will be left unturned and overlooked.


The slow downfall that has happened to England from its heydays will now happen to the ruling class, their dynastic empire building days are in the process of dissolving and they will have to be remodelled because everyone will understand that the methods used are not profitable for the masses, when their total effect is considered.


I will give an example:

Australia was mainly colonised initially with convicts and later with immigrant workers which on the whole were unskilled and on realizing this and up to the present only allow those who have skills or enough finances to remain in Australia. It was definitely wrong and possibly also part of destiny that the early settlers were sent there with later emigrants by choice requested, and destiny to an extent has righted the wrong by the volume of skilled labour that has entered Australia, but when will by only taking the best or only those that benefit Australia financially and economically end, because otherwise at a later stage destiny will work against them. Misappropriation and self seeking prosperity without balance will always sooner or later find us out.

Do they want to become a superior nation, is this right in respect of everyone else's human rights and we do know what has happened to those who thought that they were an elite and superior race throughout history and will also happen again if we continue to look at life in this way. Why should someone enjoy life and its surroundings more than another individual when destiny would want it otherwise because of its merry go round, one going up and another coming down?

Why should some live in the best parts of the world while others in the worse? When destiny would want everything in the world shared equally and needs to make amends by continually restructuring destinies, and is the present global warming not part of God’s intervention? Global warming has not just appeared out of the blue because of present emissions, it’s black and white in the bible because it did not rain in Israel for 3-1/2 years and we also know that it has happened in other times with the Sahara desert an ample example. God is definitely punishing us when we get our head around this fact, because I believe that he has the power at his disposition to create the imbalanced weather patterns we experience today.

How long before we at our level are able to invent something big enough to heat up the ice caps? Those above are thousands of years ahead of us and the spirit that they have created because of their advanced technological ability is capable of this.


Will the same thing happen on the rebound to Australia that has happened to England if they become incorrigible, inasmuch that they fail to find the balance by listening to God and be told when enough is enough?

We can note at present that England who committed the initial wrong by sending to Australia its undesirables has in fact lost the majority of its specialized work force to Australia and other parts of the world it once colonised with the loss of colonies as well and if this is not poetic justice I don’t know what is. A better lesson in destiny at work I cannot describe, and therefore, when will the ruling elite understand that God is making everything new and that the way they have been accustomed to rule is over because when the truth arrives a better way needs to be found, with the need to stop the unnecessary unjustifiable turmoil that they have always created by conquests in one way or another because it’s no longer appreciated and not normal behaviour when God cannot bless it, and also because the people now find it incongruous, vulgar and obnoxious, an unfruitful obstacle.


I do need to get back to the above, but will continue to explain by showing merit and favour and also dishonour where and when it’s due as God leads.

It’s very hard trying to do what God is making me attempt to do without being totally under His control, and no doubt all of our destinies play a part in this and not something I can alter until at a later date after others have received this, which in the process will further enlighten me because having given freely, God will then be able to relay further understanding with the greater ability to reflect and explain things in a more intelligent and prosperous rewarding way.


Once we understand and accept that God cannot use angels to keep order against evil, they both with demons will cease to exist. This is not easy to explain but there is a battle also going on between those whom we resemble, even though they have overcome a very long time ago the place that we are at, but are still subject to the influence of good and evil as the bible explains.


The way that we see war fought in the natural, those before us of old during bible times did in the same way and were shown because of their less superior understanding that we have at present, that demons and angels fought invisible or visible battles around us, not understanding that who we believe to be God as the Spirit, was and is the musician and bandleader all in one, that makes everything happen.


His role the same but in an ever changing greater capacity because as those whom we resemble become more efficient and capable of greater things so does the Spirit.

Demons and angels no longer enter into the equation because those above have invented and created with extraordinary ingenuity, apparatus with wizardry that can instantaneously materialize and reproduce anything, capable of manifesting under any role or guise necessary to suit all situations, tied to individual or corporate beliefs and destinies.


How He does this will be shown in a later chapter as we all make progress including me, otherwise if I did it at the moment it would not have the full picture that God intends to portray. As I furnish others with understanding the more I give out and the more they receive the greater the expansion and this is why and of the outmost importance that we do not put off what needs to be done today and leave for another day unless God approves of it, because we then not only lose the advantage of getting somewhere faster by allowing the evil at play to reproduce further, but the greater awareness and prized after bigger picture will fail to materialize and all the while our lives are getting shorter and not increasing without the added power to remove disease, ailments, imfirmities and old age. Patience is also a key factor that will definitely remove mountains when moving with the Spirit on a 24/7 basis or at any time as individual situations allow, but being under the total control of the Spirit and not others when mature is always best unless working together with them because this is God’s wish for us when there is no other option available as this in all probability could also be part of our destiny that we may not remove or able to get away from until a later date, and further keeping in mind that those who are nevertheless disposed full of good intentions for us because the system has created it in this manner believe that they have been entrusted and placed above us as leaders fail to understand that when God is on the move do lack the general understanding of whatever He is in the process of creating anew. The reason or best way that I can explain it and without being disrespectful in any way, is that if leaders have sown confusing aspects of how best we should live within the present systems of belief and practicality, how can then God once they have amassed the inevitable even though they have blessed others in many other ways go on and give them the full revelation of what is due to take place in total truth and at the same time be guided (a) without the full understanding of how destiny works and (b) because they do not want to accept change and remain dead in confusion. My dear fellows and friends, confusion can only breed and create more confusion.


I do have to repeat below in a slightly different but similar format what I explained above to get back into the groove of where we started, before I was led to explain something else also necessary if God intended it in this way.


We see a man before Joshua, which later in chapter 6 he calls Lord and undoubtedly we can safely conclude that it was a mediator God had sent representing the Spirit which was Himself The I AM, the only commander at work because He can accomplish all that He has to do through us from within, or by Himself on the outside, manifesting whatever is needed because of our beliefs or understanding, or whatever else necessary that He activates and puts into operation because it ties in with our created destinies.


David in the Psalms said, “Lord you come swooping down like an eagle”. David must have seen and felt the power of The Spirit, just as we see and feel it at present or others did in earlier times, he knew when it was God helping them during battles.


He also said, “Lord, do not take the Spirit away from me”. Those that believe that the Spirit only came back at Pentecost after the fall, need to thoroughly study the Old and New Testament before Pentecost and see that the Spirit is both at work from within and on the outside of the different individuals or the people as they are gathered together. Pentecost was just a move of the Spirit to further explain other things to us.


The fall can be assimilated to sin because of the forbidden fruit and death increases with further sin or within its total depth when the light or good side of what we once possessed slowly decreases and departs, unless we go back towards the tree of life by undoing or  rebalancing the wrong done and bring back light and life into the equation and re-conquer our mind and actions by changing our soul again re-energising light and life into it by renewing the flesh at the same time, because the body with a change of lifestyle or aptitudes does renew itself.


The heavenly armies or dignitaries seen in the bible or other Holy Books are depicted in that manner because the people of those days could only relate to God and the spiritual realm in that way, and not understand as we do now that the Spirit is the only one able to accomplish everything correctly in all that’s required of him, as daily needs demand.


Any other way and it would be total pandemonium as we ought to know, because I have already explained that only He is omni everything, to know exactly how to act as life unfolds daily in any given situation, because He is undisputedly the One and Only at work in many guises of good and evil through all manner of existing life.


Unlike the angel, the man standing before Joshua in this case did not tell him not to bow down before him, because it’s also necessary for us to submit to the Spirit who is serving us or those whom the Spirit is working through in truth, because it’s in our favour, benefit and interest to do so and at the same time wrong to infringe on another’s rights because we are of an insubordinate nature.


It’s very important to note here, that when we are right in the face of adversity in all manner of ways, that we make sure we don’t favour those that will not willingly submit to what is right and truthful, irrespective of who they may be, from the highest in the land to the lowest, because even when seen as lesser individuals, we still have dignified rights and for others to understand that these rights represent holy ground.


The letter of the law misused and mishandled in so many ways should also be repudiated, stood against, challenged and confronted, especially when the law is supposed to have been designed to work equally for the benefit of everyone, without major or minor puzzles added to it that causes the repugnant scenarios we see today throughout, with providers, commerce, industry, finance, we name it and the abuse is there.


Privatization is now also a major culprit and will increase unless something is done about it. They never nationalized in the past without good reason, the problem was created and allowed to get out of hand when the unions became too strong and powerful and hopefully we will have learnt a lesson from this. One extreme will always lead to another, with suffering and misery always the end result.


The law should be reviewed, revised and simplified in plain English, for everyone to understand and not intricate without good reason, wherever necessary, to seal obvious loopholes that others may use immorally or unethically for the benefit of personal self or other reprobate guilty parties.


The law left as it is will never do justice to proper law and order and it can bless no one if we are all part of its system, when or because we allow it to go on regardless.


More open sincere methods need to be brought into existence so that those who contravene, connive, collude and control unjustly are stopped in their tracks. Whereby no one can any longer take advantage of another less informed individual for immoral, unjust favour or gain in any way and things done in a better light will, when added to other better things, will incredibly increase our lives as this is what those above have learnt to do and why they live such a long time.

The unnecessary bureaucracy created in Brussels is a European way of creating jobs and for the purpose of giving family and friends those jobs, that only respectively works when there are copious amounts of finances to spread around, because in practice when austerity measures come in force and the rich or super rich don’t dip into their pockets but wilfully continue to take out of the system without shame, we then end up with what we are faced with and will further increase because as we jolly well know, money always goes to money. The rich and wealthy always work on the main for the benefit of the rich and wealthy.


Later on because destiny favoured the Jews, the man in chapter 6 told them how to conquer Jericho and the Spirit actually helped them do it when they all gave a loud shout, because only its power, an earthquake or the ground falling away below it that God knew would happen at that precise split second, could have brought the walls crashing down, and likewise as God leads us but prudent about it, we should move and act together against injustice wherever it may be found, because He being with us as commander will not fail us. His power will be within and behind us if we have the faith to believe and move in it when He tells us, and not when it pleases us at the wrong times with destiny against us because we believe God never lets us down. This again has to be seen in the light of history to know the right time to act for best results and to be in command of the situation like Moses and Joshua were.


We should make a note of the power that the Spirit has control of, being so precise that it can destroy one and leave another standing and how immense I would not like to guess and neither would wish to be in its vicinity when used for vengeance which I am sure He does.


I don’t believe for one minute that missiles or nuclear devices would deter Him or disappoint us in any way if He is for us, because of others advanced state and when destiny is on the move for the better in total reality, and a lot to be said for this when it has everything under control, and that those higher up "should? Provided they show grounded common sense hopefully do what is right and approve the change, unless devastation cannot be avoided, because we have to know and realize that the course of many things do not always run smooth when destiny is contrary and there is ample evidence of this in the scriptures in how God dealt with pharaoh and his people in favour of the Jews, and unbelievably the same has happened with the Germans and Hitler and also recently with Iraq and Saddam Hussain, Libya with Muammar Gaddafi and will carry on if it's meant to, because even knowing that the opposing forces were stronger and more powerful they screamed and shouted until blue in the face that they would never be defeated until the end, and why is this? because destiny will always have his day and pound of flesh when things get out of control by being allowed to go too far, when balance is not kept and "one person with his family friends and party" takes more than the other and until we fully grasp and realize this, things will never change but will always go on and reproduce the same vicious unrelenting pattern and cycle of events.


The rules and obvious charade within power and wealth that at present governs us and not only in high places but at individual levels, have to seriously decline and how far is not only in Gods hands, but also in our understanding and voluntary satisfactory preludes before the ultimate required changes, and those at present that are being told by God to intervene by paving the way and reconstruct, need to measure and make careful moves by taking the necessary steps that He advises.


We have also seen in the past when serious nuclear conflict was unavoidable, at the last hour after standing up for what was worth the risk and deterrent, the intimidators in the end stood down. This can be seen in the light that destiny could intervene because of the fact, that Russia and America were allied together earlier during the Second World War and removed the threat that the Germans posed.


Equality in a just way with dignity and not because we are equals, because we are not, has to be seen as something holy and sacred if we are to go on to maturity and live with better examples to strengthen and lengthen our present discordant lives and if you are a politician that's reading this? please make a note of it, and thank you.


The man before Joshua had a sword in his hand and the sword biblically and symbolically represents the truth. The man therefore had what is right and truthful with him and allowed Joshua to bow and humble himself before him, and also said ‘take off your sandals because the place that you are standing on is holy’.


When anyone has truth, irrespective of faith, denomination or walk of life that he belongs to, even if an atheist, this truth is to be reverenced as holy and we need to bow down and humble ourselves before it, because this is what gives us the solid footing and ground to stand on, that we need, so that we can go on from one victory to the next, glory to glory without foundering and in the process improve the general understanding.


Taking our shoes off is a sign of respect like the washing of feet, showing humility and submission when done in Christian circles or in the presence of God in the Mosque as Muslims do.


When we stand before anyone who has the truth, we are literally standing before the righteousness of God who is actually speaking it through him and we need to bow down to it if we are going to be blessed by it.


Those that criticize anything and anyone or Great leaders past and present, because they have an alter ego and have in all probability not read other Holy Books, or are repeating what others have said in ignorance, need to realize and think again before they speak, if they do not want to store and accumulate later tragedy in confrontations, because what goes around comes around and therefore not wise to not only stop others from receiving the truth because of their misinformed and misguided beliefs, but incensing unnecessary furore that does inevitably cost many people their lives.


In the event that we turn people away from the truth so that they miss hearing God, the same thing later in retrospect when we need help or guidance will be denied us.


To cause people to get hurt, maimed or die is not a good way to lead or accomplish life, but many are those who profess God and create financial worldwide havoc, war and other anomalies and believe they have gotten away with it because their sins will be confessed and abolished by God or by those that believe they have the authority and capacity to do so, but should have known better if they had divided the word carefully to arrive at the right conclusion and understanding, so that the same person or individuals would then not go out and re-offend, if they had been told that God makes us accountable and does not forgive, because He judges everyone according to what they have done, and those that are innocently part of the system and contribute to it in many ways, fall under the same judgement when they allow by what those above them do and say and all of which also includes giving their finances to kill, maim and starve others unjustly, or continue to allow the belief that God forgives so that evil can carry on with its dirty work by fulfilling mans selfish desires. Those that want the world will be given the world but at what price?


We need to look up and as necessary confront and pull away from behaviour that causes war and chaos for ulterior motives. To confront those that are instigating it as God leads and change its course because it’s better in the long run to remain at peace and also then not see the chaos that manifests in our own nations on the rebound through structural sin affecting our children and grandchildren, with also the added reprisals from God himself in ways that the majority cannot see or fathom within the elements.

When those of smashed up nations either young or old, have to resort to using knives, guns or whatever other means to survive? those that have destroyed those nations will see the same later happening or increase in their own country. 

Open your eyes and then see who are the major nations who go around smashing up the world and see what is in their back yards. 


Stopping others from receiving truth will also stop us from receiving the same. The more negative we are and the more people we influence the worse it becomes and as leaders, should be doubly careful because judgement is more severe because of this.


Life is not a game that it should be toyed with but taken seriously. Blather for the sake of it without foresight will be our undoing.


Opinions when voicing the truth, providing we have it, is fine, not only because the people can see we are trying to do the best for everyone’s sake, but also because the scripture does say that love rejoices in the truth, otherwise we would never become free from total error or part confusion. This is not the same as being judgemental just for the sake of it.


Another more distinguished example needs to be added to the story.


We as men, symbolic for the man with the sword, when we have found the necessary truth should not be like ordinary men as we are today in character, but more like God, because by acting on the same principle that He does, being neither friend nor enemy, but acting and rewarding as destiny commands or the third party really deserves, the world would then become a better place.


We can only do this effectively by knowing the whole history of the individual and related problem, and be able to judge accordingly. No one should be dealt with in such a way that they did not totally deserve the sentence or fate destiny dealt them and always relating to circumstances and consequences. More thought will have to be spent on this by many in the future to arrive at an accepted conclusion.


Having a doctorate, degree or other certification does not necessarily mean we are up to the job without the all round knowledge and experience necessary to understand destiny and all the rudimentary motives of why things happen without actually living any of the experiences that life provides, we may then be blind and fail to do whatever is proper and necessary to change for the better what could have been achieved earlier, rather than tomorrow or the next day, because this is costly for everyone when it takes too long to arrive at a given destination.


Those living or having been born in a lap of luxury have never faced the trials of life that poverty creates and just seeing or knowing that it’s there is not the same as living it first hand, and it would be extremely good and marvellously rewarding if they experienced the other side of the divide and without finances unless absolutely necessary as part of their training, before they take up office. Compassion for others would then no doubt change the way we live by creating new systems and laws faster, but in the process always conscious that we as men can be or are too overzealous to treat others with love and kindness which when not handled properly, becomes abused and not given the respect due because it’s seen as weakness.


People today neither bow down before parents, ordinary people, authority or authority itself for that matter is immorally defunct and corrupt and does not bow down before the people it represents, and here we have society or parts of it that we have at present lacking ethics, discipline and good intentions towards others less respected or more vulnerable and when authority more so than church fathers also act in the same way, what do they then expect of God and the people beneath them? And it can only get worse if the horse is allowed free rein and not reined in.


Please let us keep in mind that the going is good and green on whichever side of the coin that one can commandeer by keeping God and destiny out of the equation but the scripture does say that the beginning of wisdom is to fear God, and when things get out of control and we are in despair if He his not on our side there is then not much that anyone else can do for us. No amount of staff, doctors or specialized men and women that serve us, armed forces included, or anything else for that matter will make a difference.


Too many knowing scripture do not fear God and don’t act in the best interests of the people and I don’t envy you in all that you have or all that you represent because you alone and those that follow and support you will then answer for your actions.


I cannot convince you better than help you in this way with the open reality that no one can say they don’t understand this message and disbelieve it, and not later they or their descendents not despair, because the evidence shown or given here is not plain to see.


The man is saying to Joshua to bow down and take his sandals off because here you have to show respect because I am neither for you as a friend or an enemy but I will only do what is right. In other words I am going to get tough and show you what tough love is and not the sloppy soppy ways that you are used to and think that you can get away with. 

The walls fell down and the city was taken. God did not respect the others which were all the same human beings on the other side of the wall, just as later He does not respect the Jews in other parts of the bible when it was their turn to be on the receiving end because of the destiny they had created by destroying others even though God had told them to do it.


We need to understand that the Spirit working with everyone’s destiny at hand before Him will tell us to kill and destroy, because He needs to destroy others in the process as they deserve it when it’s our turn to go up and the other way around when its our turn to go down if this is the way we believe life is to be lived and with Him all the while personally tying up the loose ends amongst us, wherever the weaker ones cannot do it for themselves, and for obvious reasons because the law will not allow it.


Those Jews and again without disrespect, that believe that they are God’s favourites and chosen amongst the human race might on hindsight reconsider and adjust their way of thinking if they want to ever see peace in their present homeland. God at any time past or present did not only work through the Jews because they could hear Him but also worked within the whole human race, the only difference was and is, that everyone heard Him in their own particular different way, the man in the jungle devoid and isolated from any form of human contact still hears God in his own way and there is no possible way he can go through Jesus because he can neither read or write. Christians please reconsider all that you have been taught and if this material before you is suitable for your need please take advantage of it and be blessed.


Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, if we don’t stand up and combat with truth and demand change in practices against the evil present in every outlet, office, workplace and community across the land because of unfair prevailing corrupt, immoral conditions without restraint in a united common sense approach, especially as God leads because there are more believers than non believers, we will end up seeing further decline before our very eyes even in those places that once were prosperous and full of morals and dignified attitudes for their neighbour.


But please let us be wise and not be fooled as we once were. Let’s also consider cause and effect and why things happen because as we all know they certainly do, some for bad reasons, others for good, and no one is totally innocent including me, otherwise destiny would not have let happen whatever happened for good or bad.

A mission of mercy will advance when a proper response to what God is showing us starts to take place, and with frankness and sincerity I warm heartedly thank you for having read my thoughts irrespective if they do not partly or in total correspond or agree with yours.