Chapter 12a

Theresa May’s Pledges


1 Fight poverty and poor life expectancy

2 Tackle inequality in the criminal justice system

3 Enable more white working class boys to go to university

4 Help the state school educated land top jobs

5 Close the pay gap between bosses and workers and men and women

6 Improve mental health services

7 Help young people get on the housing market

8 Improve job security for those losing out to migrants

9 Fix divide between wealthy old and struggling young

10 Lower energy costs and make suppliers reliable

11 Help the regions

12 Defend key industries such as pharmaceuticals

13 Put consumers and employees on boards

14 End corporate tax evasion

15 Serve working class people


Prime Minister Theresa, originates from a spiritual background. Her father was a priest and considering the pledges she’s made, it’s quite plain that she has a conscience and just might be listening to the spirit guiding her even though she has shown some failings in the past.


I say this, because otherwise: In no way would she have given Boris Johnson the assignment and position of Foreign Secretery.

God must be in the process of changing Boris, by giving him a real tough job in the present world we live in, which with his knowledge and past experiences and less of the “buffoon trait of the past” will make him succeed and stand him in good stead.


From her pledges, it seems as if she should have been a Labour candidate, but Destiny knew that it would have been better if she became a Tory, for then at the right opportune moment to fill the role of Prime Minister.


Well done and congratulations if she is really for the people as a whole and knows what destiny is really after. Nevertheless: She needs to recognise that Great Britain has made a complete mess of parts of the world and also amongst her own people at home, with everything gone haywire and not working as well as before. This will bring retribution from god the computer as time and events unfold, through others or himself.


Those at the top that have voted for Brexit, will want to control her and will move to alternative places in the world if they don’t get their way. It will happen in this manner, if destiny particularly wishes that it should be in this way. Allowing revenue that is needed through taxes to be invested in other shores and England further collapsing and her with no other choice but renege on her promises.

Please note: That if Theresa acts just for the sake of showing that she intends to do something, without careful consideration in the way that she is going to proceed, with her best foot forward one step at a time and not all at once. I dont wish to be pessimistic, but I believe she will then get it wrong. You cannot have everything piling on, all at once.

She should take on the easier tasks first, that will take the financial burden off of society and giving them hope and a breathing space.

Energy, job security, banks, and privatization of the best commodities, with the NHS first priority!


Let’s not forget that I have said earlier at the start of this book. Four years ago or thereabouts, that England more than GB would collapse. It’s certainly happening when systems in England are in a worse state than in the rest of the union. And as much as Theresa will try her best to put things in order, she also has to consider that part of destiny that she will be going up against, which she in her present state of logical reasoning might fail to understand and could end up undermining her.    


To fight wrongs when things are meant to go wrong, as and when God is repaying and rewarding in kind is a very difficult thing to do and things then, could become even worse.

Some of her pledges will be quite impossible to achieve without drastic serious measures. She might be really serious and possibly destiny to achieve it, might actually compel her to do it. This will change things, for then the writing on the wall to appear and the majority of the presiding tory members of parliament and the house of lord’s will go crazy! Not excluding royalty, especially prince Charles!



There is no longer any dout in my mind, as it's clear to me that Theresa May is listening to God.

She has a tough job to do and she might have choices or not!

Her present method of leaving the EU is very firm and will obviously create furore in those of the EU who fail to understand the part of destiny which says, that it should have happened in this way.

Globalisation in the way that those in the EU were programming it was wrong and it needed for this to happen for then to bring it back in line.

Theresa has said herself but not in so many words, that globalisation was running away with itself and needed to take a serious look at itself and adapt and reform all that needs modifying.

It is also her belief for her to tackle modern slavery.

What more can we want, when she is clearly doing her job with proper gifting for it and certainly not like David Cameron or Tony Blair who are fit for nothing when they can't be trusted or believed.

Don't make the same mistake again. For goodness sake stop offering them positions that they are incapable of filling, especially when they don't have the ability and obligation to guarantee success!