Chapter 18



Jesus said, I am the truth the way and the life and only through me can you go to the father.

Is this true? Is this the only way to gain salvation?

Might this statement not be a way of landing on the ground with a loud thud and keeping us tied down, when it does not have the necessary firepower and logical imformation added to it?


I personally don’t go through Jesus and I don’t presume, but know; that others don’t either, for then you would have to be a total Christian to be able to find and hear God, while all the time the Spirit is working through me and others, even though I adhere in part to scriptures and not all that came through Jesus, which are invaluable in their own right and necessary for our salvation. And only in this way do I go through Jesus to climb higher and reach out for the righteousness of God. No different than going through so many others that have provided or continue to do so which God uses at any time in history, both separately or together at the same time.


All that Jesus said was it truth? And does it totally work for you, after you have carefully and wisely appraised all that he said? 

Can we as intelligent beings really believe that Jesus was fully a man and fully god? And that by looking upon him, was this in reality the true appearance of god? 


We need to also consider the extraordinary fact, that of the many Christians that take communion and receive all the sacraments and furthermore by keeping all of the traditions of the church, what is the percentage that can actually hear God, do his bidding and live their lives as Christians should?

Not many! Because action always speaks louder than words and the reality of what we personally see because it's true and coupled with what we hear when this is also true. Is enough proof.

The low church attendances and how the people act in their daily lives, even those when they are not in church speaks for itself.


You only have to go to Italy to see the full extent, and this nation is supposed to be the seat of Christianity because of the Vatican and its Papal state, with by far the majority of people in Italy practising Christianity, but its traditions not the spiritual life that it requires, because the majority have not read the bible but follow along blindly and do whatever the church or others have invented for their exploitation.


I am not mentioning Italians for the sake of it, but because god wants to raise a point and no doubt that there are those in Italy, the same as those in other nations that merit the world, but the focus that god at this moment in my case is requesting should be on Italy, because of the Papal State and Seat within it and the altogether power it holds throughout the world allowing evil its control and not love and unity to proliferate in a greater way bringing a smile to the needy.


When we focus and take a good careful look at the politicians, the Vatican and then the rest of the people even though they are very friendly and hospitable, but ever ready to make a fast Euro in any way possible, by even stabbing their natural brothers and sisters in the back let alone others that are not related to them.


Has the nation which is the people because this is the mentality, and let’s not get it wrong! under the influence of the church and politics because of the circumstances that they have had to adapt to, actually created this? Because in the end when all is said and done, if this way of life sums up the best that Christianity in Italy can produce? I then feel deeply sorry for Jesus and all those that tried their outmost to make it work, and have to say, that those that have and are continuing to exploit it, have miserably failed them. The bible in an all round way is very clear about it, because it teaches us how to live in an exemplary manner that the above mentioned are not doing.


I have seen the extent of what I am relating, through the church and the politicians in the way they apply their methods, because I have lived in Italy and having had contact with the church and those in politics have seen both the good and bad points, but more of the bad ones, and do realise that some of the worse circumstances that the people have to live under, have been created by the church and politicians together, due to lack of Christian fibre and moral principles, because when The Christian Democratic Party was in office, if it had been good for Italy not only would have changed the many ungodly practises in Italy, but the people would still be voting for it.


Public relations widely used in Italy and not excluding religious and political circles, has become a routine or way of life and works in a way from the ground upwards that unless you are in the know within the very nature of who you know, you are not going to benefit from the system and you are continually left on the back end of the queue without support because no one cares if you are a nobody. This is important to see because it is reality more often than not.


Will by teaching and preaching the integral part of truth within the bible, with further knowledge added for real! Make everyone a winner and not a Christian, without the need to worship "god or idols" men or relics of any material form, shape or size, by removing the unjust comfort and legacy of sin and confusing elements that continue to kill and destroy relentlessly and not allow Revelation Chapter 18 to become reality, which I dont assume but believe fullheartedly that what it says will happen, because everything will be burned with fire, none other than the unavoidable truth that cannot lose and is already partly with us waiting for opportune moments around the world to manifest itself, voiced and distributed by the many believers at work, "select arrows hidden in god's quiver" and there are in reality too many to kill or remove by trying to stop it happening, as this would have been the obvious case in the past and this is why Christianity violated the scriptures and killed Apostles, Prophets and Saints and has been able to survive for so long.


ISAIAH 49 : 1 – 3 NASV

1 Listen to Me, O islands, And pay attention, you peoples from afar. (The many different Faiths amongst the seas and oceans representing the whole world) The Lord called me from the womb; From the body of my mother he named me.

2 He has made My mouth like a sharp sword, In the shadow of His hand he has concealed Me; And He has also made Me a select arrow, He has hidden Me in his quiver. 3 He said to Me, “ You are my Servant, Israel in Whom I will show My glory.”


Please note the emphasis on the capital letters! These followers are those that the spirit has highly trained to know and understand the truth, Not the conbined white horses but nevertheless white horses, that are walking, cantering and gallopping in every direction very close to him under his guidance and protective covering and not Jesus as scripture in the bible shows, slowly now appearing in the open and when they speak at the right place and time without anyone knowing who they are, doing it god,s way as it might be best. They are then capable of being insignificant but nevertheless in a very special way. The sword and arrows of truth emanating forth regarding whatever the need may be. Through what they say will not miss their intended mark, and are at present liberating the masses from the hold that religion has had upon them and in this case Christianity with also much more added knowledge of life within our global society.


No one can win when the counter productive effect will always reverberate back everywhere and when something has budded bloomed and grown daily for a considerate time and duly destined and programmed to happen, the oncoming change is inevitable and those that try to oppose it will  not only hurt themselves but also others in the process. Mankind in their own particular ways with god leading them through destiny will create havoc, and because of this; those that are for peace should as much and as soon as possible intervene and help all manner of change to sedately arrive, for then to look forward to a proper infallible biblical future of peace and no more wars.


Please dont miss the true opportunities whenever god makes a way and they arise for balanced harmonious living in such a way that the world will eventually belong to all of us equally alike, when even though it can't happen all at once and not everyone will see it in such a way, but the solution lies here if we are to improve and better ourselves with heightened common sense, by re-educating and reapplying destiny because of the truth and love, willingly; individually or corporately working from within us.


It really does not sound that terrible, or does it? And what would Jesus, The Apostles, Buddha, or Muhammad have done.


The early church lived and shared alike and we now know that destiny will only allow it for a certain length of time. None of us are on level par and this because of destiny already formed, but the long term vision should be centred on this when everyone slowly with foresight voluntarily and willingly readjusts and we will only ever succed in this when we truly learn to listen to one another at all levels.


A colony of ants tirelessly work together in united accord, each taking on tasks for the welfare and benefit of all concerned. Unless man recognises this and does the same, irrespective of all that they are capable off, with justifiable acceptable variations at the beginning and slowly as he advances modifying himself towards a centre point and focus, because in reality one hand cannot wash itself without the other and everyone no matter at what level they may be is just as important and needed to make things work efficiently, there will always be mayhem and disorder.