Chapter 32



We are only ever given more in a major way, when over many years we learn to act and live our lives by faith and obedience and accumulate blessing on top of blessing. Although it may seem wrong at the time due to the need to do exactly whatever we are given to do, the understanding will only arrive later through the process of seeing for ourselves the manifestation of whatever takes place. Please do be careful though! Never jump in head first. Allow god to gently initiate you unless you are left no other choice because big leaps in the dark with faith to believe the impossible may happen. 


This is why many teachers are needed to help others less able to encounter what’s ahead and not teaching the same thing over and over again by heart, because they have studied it and heard it said, and know it inside out without actually having lived the experiences and dilemma's themselves to have applied the overall remedy required for later to be able to see and encounter other given situations. Whatever coincides will then not necessarily mean that it’s the right way if we are meant to be fooled and deceived because it’s the way that destiny needs to reward us, or later needs to take others the same way.


Any situation is personal because of destiny and another person cannot think for us while all the time we are meant to take a different route, a logical one in our case and illogical in their eyes.

Anyone can direct, give a sound explanation or general advice, but not necessarily apply to the given individual, when there are set rules and codes to live by and this is why religion cannot work effectively.


Believing in something especially when the intentions similar to politics are to create numbers for the end game of power and control to come into existence and be at the forefront of things, by wanting to take over the whole world as some Muslims believe, will destroy the personal union and contact in a righteous way that an individual has with god and in itself never be able to fully liberate with the right reason or good intentions in mind.


All the expected ways that we have grown up with, using hindsight and on seeing the unfavourable consequences, will need revising.


In the event that I contradict myself, this is also because some people are meant to go one way and others another, which only the spirit knows the reason why and will reveal or not reveal throughout the content of everything I say, mainly depending on the individual or road many will later have to take, and following after historical heroes, religious or otherwise should be only a guideline in anyone's life because time changes the way they saw things and once powerful foundations found in past institutions today are no longer viable.


How those in religion will receive this only god knows? But it’s never the wise or good thing to do when by killing or stifling the goose that lays the golden egg we loose whatever opportunity we would have had of prospering. Let’s carefully reason and consider and not do what the Roman Catholics did to Joan of Arc by burning her at the stake and then centuries later on realising their mistake reinstated her as a saint. How pathetic and convenient. Always excusing themselves by wrighting wrong to be able to remain in power. Poor Joan and the ignorant people who god later punished that supported them?


Those who are presently releasing secret information to expose and overthrow corrupt systems, might be also doing it because they have no other choice when the spirit is compelling them to do it and they need support! Otherwise evil will never ever be wrested out of the hands of those who best exploit it.


Always take whatever feels right and leave the rest when we are not sure. We don't know if there is a reason why it might not be clear and possibly it's because of destiny. It might be given to you later in a better light, or eventually become useful at a later date.