Chapter 3a



With the clock already ticking against them due to the lack of quality and concept expert material that is unable to take us higher, it’s not possible to cleanse, alter or adapt existing holy books by giving them a complete facelift or makeover from the obvious confusing existing elements found within them to really change society in a more realistic and practical hands on beneficial and responsible simplistic brand new way, providing more adaptable life giving solutions.


We can no longer because of destiny on the move continue to divide and sub-divide ourselves due to contrary and confusing knowledge found in faith and religious movements, and without this change the bigger step to reform politics and existing laws that will unite and enhance the world cannot happen.


Question to ask oneself?

All of religion and different sects tied to holy books with everything else in life that we compete for. Should it be for our personal self or for the benefit of everyone?


A new advanced and up to date book containing serious truth in part already with us and  continually updated as increased knowledge and understanding is gathered and accumulated from everywhere and also handed down to us from above our present level of reasoning, making it a lot quicker and easier for us to embrace and not be confused will have to manifest. In order to do this we have to be in complete agreement with full cooperation given by all faiths and as many government heads that see this as a much needed objective.


It will be fantastic, satisfying and extremely challenging, at the same time demanding and necessary because of the common sense required in restructuring and implementing global benediction, by dampening and as much as possible being able to keep the lid on the disorder presently with us and that will continue to escalate without remedial measures.


I sincerely hope that this will be a welcoming exercise designed by the computer above being omni everything in our realm, to get the most out of all of us for the improvement of relations and developing human endeavour, towards acquiring the higher gifts that will enable us to create an ideal world.


I would like to further add that those who believe that technology is the sole answer to man’s wellbeing and salvation have missed the aspect that drives and connects us to those above. I do go along with them to an extent, but also know how far faster and easier it would be to reach goals by giving destiny the more open opportunity to guide us in our research especially when done in a united sublime way.


The other thing that I have encountered that’s really confusing when trying to help, is that the other party will go along and agree with everything that’s said but doesn’t mean it. I know that this can be part of destiny showing up within national or family history, when either through circumstances or other reasons they had to go along with what was said or demanded of them, with possibly no other way out. They did this to fob people off or keep them sweet and happy so as not to create enemies, but all said in this up and coming exercise this should definitely not exist. A proper brotherly aspect with sharing and trust should be the only main force and governing factor, and old beliefs that obviously these times find lacking in indepth values and recognised available truth with facts to support and sustain the new, having lost their usefulness must now be dismissed and be relegated to history.


Very important though that the mind be allowed enough freedom for faith to be exercised and given the ability to see beyond into the future without quenching or dousing the spirit by ever again becoming dogmatic, because this is the main stumbling block that divides and separates us, and will always procure powerful forces of animosity dissent and war.


Intellectually we must see the old as always being there in case we have further need of it, in the present or future when destiny directs us to it. Thinking something to death though as theologians do? And living in our present system! The two no longer go together when it is ok and logical to know enough of the past but better to constantly think ahead and with the times.


This is fact!

Many of the laws as they are today, lack balance. They omit destiny out of the equation and do not register why things happen in the first place and in the way it keeps order, and the majority from the highest to the lowest in the land cannot fathom this, and in the event only see all that they see as right and wrong, "you can do this or cannot do this" and not in a true sense see that much of everything that takes place happens for a reason. Therefore: The search for knowledge towards the balance to everything, especially when tied to destiny must never be compromised if the chaos that democracy produces is ever to be eradicated.


Politicians create problems and only rectify, or try to rectify things when the situation gets out of hand and again not taking destiny into consideration?

Religious institutions or present day faith movements stay with existing confusing elements taught and fail to see destiny at work and invariably stop the blessing already present to manifest in their flocks or followers. The scripture says that at the end, "meaning this new age" knowledge will increase and that  everyone should seek out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Please don't stop others from receiving it and this for your own welfare. "Likewise! Don't let others stop your blessing if you value your life and that of other family members that you are meant to protect. 


A new book is needed to both streamline and expand the overall concept and understanding required by a loving caring society and not foolish and irresponsible as at present without forward vision, which even the best in all walks of life cannot seem to comprehend, and this; to avoid upcoming problems as much as possible before they happen, better still not create the problems in the first place.


Unless we treat the world as an extended family, people will never feel secure enough to do what's right and will always alliance themselves whenever necessary with the stronger up and ruling element because in some places this is the only way that life and prospects improve for the better even when they know it's wrong.


Institutions exist because people had to give allegiance to them for safety and economic support and not always for moral reasons.

Only when people are self sufficient or able to exist adequately enough without them will they alienate themselves from them after seeing what they really and truly represent.


This is another explanation that needs to be seen for what it is.

If Christianity has ruled for so long and held the greatest number of people and in all it's time was unable to create worldwide peace and no longer able to commander or expand it's borders because even long-time born again Christians are abandoning her, the opposite of destiny or all that they have sown will manifest and those more ethical and moralistic with higher better explanations, at great length will now succeed.


Without not only a new book but also the wisest coming together, this next scripture will not be able to bring forth new life to the extent that the whole world be taken up to another level.


Psalm 12:1-8


1: Help Lord, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race.

2: Everyone lies to their neighbour; they flatter with their lips but harbour deception in their hearts.

3: May the Lord silence all flattering lips and every boastful tongue-

4: Those who say, "By our tongues we will prevail; our own lips will defend us-who is lord over us?"

5: Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise, "says the Lord. "I will protect them from those who malign them."

6: And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.

7: You Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked.

8: Who freely strut about when what is vile is honoured by the human race.


This speaks of a considerable amount of understanding and change. Life taken to a greater level by eliminating what is normal, or not so normal and in places grossly abnormal as accepted today, and god help us if the higher hierarchy fail to recognise this. There will be serious trouble as already manifesting but worse to come without relenting.


All holy books do not define or refine life to the extent that the new one will. This is why it will be The New Jerusalem (NEW GLOBAL POWERFUL HOLY CITY)  more advanced knowledge descending from above, with added stability and personal or combined growth.


We are due for an incredible renaissance but it will take nerve and determination by all those that are going to be used. A perfect combination, to reveal and raise to the light all that's relevant and justified with absolute transparency. This is whether we are believers or not, but all the same devoted. It's because it is destiny at work and being driven from within, that fuels or compels us to speak out and as I was saying before, that when change is inevitable no one can stop it. This has been the case throughout history. The more it's opposed the more people will rally together. "Therefore please don't be fooled in believing that it can be stopped". Be sharp and make it happen before more people get hurt or killed and ourselves in the process.


Somehow shoes or roles are going to be harder to walk in as time moves on. Please don't be surprised but be prepared for it to happen.


Intelligent people become simpletons when they believe everything that they are told or taught. Politics, the law, religion and the "media" which is now improving to a certain extent but we must still be vigilant, at best are used to deceive the gullible and illiterate.

The more illiterate or ignorant someone is the easier it is for them to do it and it's now up to those that are able to see this to help those less able with the truth and the faster the better before everything blows up in our face.


The new book will be a winner with far more knowledge than the world has ever experienced before. A fabulous fantastic new chapter in truth and spirituality full of revelation. It will be the rock  that Jesus spoke of or even greater, a massive boulder that will keep the house safe in times of storms and troubles and not the stone that he built his church on that he entrusted to Paul. Believe me it will be incredibly awesome with fresh new amazing never ending discoveries on everyone's doorstep because it will be online and places of access with no need to any longer go very far. It will fulfil the highest of expectations. Everyone will be lost for words especially when all the lies presently in circulation will be exposed.

It will also become audible on radio , taught in schools, etc, available to the blind, deaf, nothing will be spared in seeing it reach the most needy and all for free.

There will then no longer be excuses for not knowing or not understanding and pleading ignorance even when in a court of law.


I have encountered amongst Muslims, something that requires closer attention with a more profound recognisable jurisdiction. They are being taught that when anyone is ignorant of certain facts that on asking god for forgiveness they are then forgiven.

I would like to point out that throughout the scriptures that I have given in this book and there are more besides those? God does not forgive ignorance.

It's up to each one of us to increase our knowledge and become wiser in the process. It's also beneficial as much as possible to pass on whatever understanding we have to others as soon as possible when destiny advocates so that then we can be rewarded in kind.

When we fail to educate or provide for others because we are selfish and do not wish them to overtake or become at par with us, by keeping them where they are especially when we have the finances to do it, we have to be careful then that we do not reproduce within the family, underdeveloped in alternate ways or rebellious uneducated victims with a possible very low IQ.


All those placing their faith solely on present holy books even though some are more accomplished than others, in the process are shallow to say the least and especially when their trust is in Jesus with what he said and what he did and not the overall concept of cause and effect to then be able to touch the higher concepts of ongoing evolution with far bigger challenges and logical understanding than in his times.

The university of life at every end of day has to be added to the status quo of everything that exists.

Intellectually at present we are far brighter and more advanced than Jesus or anyone else for that matter and those that are resolute in remaining in their own particular traditions and religion will miss the higher revelation and steps necessary for maturity to happen to see things clearly for what they are and will fail to aknowledge and understand how to create a new world for the better.


Diversity in religion by the many existing sects will always create disfunction and clashes due to the lack of balance amongst the people because some demand more than others. A new book will address and make everyone accountable for their own personal destiny "nations included when a balance is not struck and only favouring the rich" with clear undeniable powerful revolutionary truths, without the need to control and dominate anyone because the answers being clear and of notable worthy recognition will speak for themselves and will not allow anyone to dramatically wriggle free, excuse themselves or defiantly walk around them.


The facts as they stand is that a spade is a spade "black is black and white is white" and democracy without balance and fairness is not democracy as best intended and certainly not something that we can call freedom and justice.


The other thing that we also always have to remember and slowly accept, that god is a computer, obviously working throughout everything but in not in such a practical way as seen at present because clearer revelation will change recognised practises, and he certainly is not "ONE" when we don't have the same understanding and always everchanging to deal with everyone seperately?

The source from the computer in the way it activates or energises god is "ONE" through the apparatus that controls electro magnetic waves but uncountable and unfathomable because of the complex trillions of calculations per second and later manifestations of the waves are always different.

The new book will resolve issues that at present keep us at loggerheads and continue to divide, with the "Oneness" slowly manifesting as we "ALL" embrace the better together and let go of the biased bad and confusing elements in existence.


I also say this again that those that are spiritually orientated and politically minded need to embrace this calling if destiny is pummelling them in their minds over and over again to take up their posts because it's better to lie every now and then when destiny will not allow you to tell the truth, than to leave things as they are in the hands of those that continually lie and are out of their depths in a special time that it's absolutely necessary and essential to hear the computer if we are to be taken to greater heights.