Chapter 45



Has everything the computer said throughout this book and many other warnings it has provided through others. Have they really been considered? Are they real or unreal?


It is now beginning because everything is becoming common knowledge and the cessation in all that can no longer be sustained is not really abating or doing a u-turn. Incentives and rewards are still way out of line and over the top by too far a margin and this is continuing without the majority really caring and in the eyes of those who have enough vision to see the future unfolding it’s terribly frightening and recklessly dangerous behavior, making the spark already in progress later fuelling the fires of disaster.


No one really realizes how much trouble they could be letting themselves in for simply because in their part of the world the uncontrollable troubles have not yet started and there is no solid commitment to do anything about it.


Figures must be set otherwise the free limits that anyone personally sets across the open markets both at the high and low ends by the employer will continue to cause desperation, and hardships will increase because otherwise "destiny would not be able to bring about the change needed" with those not born in poverty and used to better living standards will resent it and not stand for it.

Please note above, "destiny would not be able to bring about the change needed". You are fighting destiny and in no way can you possibly win. Therefore: Always  arise be wise and recommended others to check and remove pride before a fall happens and succumb meekly and humbly to the computer's will.


The recovery that everyone is looking for with governments financing the economy with billions and billions to make it happen, this is because it suits most of them and those that support and represent them, but without the top structure changing through reforms and always reviewed and regulated, in the end everything will collapse around us because it’s an immense insatiable siphon. The level of wealth that the top people or higher middle class expect, the computer says, can no longer be sustained for ever before everything else comes apart at the seams. Global integration because of wealth generated which has blessed everyone for decades is the culprit and the clock cannot be turned back to say, we accept this and not that because it does not suit us. The tide can be slowly halted as far as movement of people go, but if the world is to fully fruit and expand in time for greater blessing to fall from those above, the doors must be slowly reopened when the computer says. This will have to happen gradually because I personally cannot see turism and everything else in the world collectively generating revenue from one end to the other ever ceasing and as long as it increases because nations are investing in other nations, their own doors "later destiny" cannot keep from not opening in return. No one can have the cake now because it suits them and not someone later take part of that cake back. This is why the colonial nations are paying by far the biggest price at the moment, through the influx of legal, or illegal immigrants and as long as Australia keep only taking the best of the skilled workforce, the problem with the boat people will never go away, this is because life at any time requires balance and when we don't follow or allow for it, the end result is always a fight in some way or other. 


The final result will be that we will have to accept everyone because we are using everyone and taking and giving on behalf of everyone. No good being racist or superior because destiny will later not tolerate it. This is why all the troubles at the moment will continue to increase unless the logical understanding that man never had before now is allowed further scope as a joint effort with possibility of agreement will slowly level out and allow support for one another to continue. Corruption and inequality though must end for it to work. Cooperation and capitulation wherever necessary is the only answer and only policy. The remedy must be higher than the not so clever immoral evil that created it.


Projection that governments are looking for will fail because it will only be short term before more billions are needed.

Financing the rich with tax-payers money which was once possible, in these times or later times will no longer be the norm or expected done thing, as it will become strongly opposed. There is too much transparency and the fault lies at the door of espionage and all that was known about those less able to screen themselves and now on the rebound making everything clear about those that sponged off the system. The decrypting of everyone's data will only make things more visible and through destiny created whistleblowers will increase without it being really their fault if the computer is compelling them to do it. The more is known about others like I have explained before, "later" the more is known about those gathering the information and using it to their advantage? 


The least that the computer is saying that will happen is that a new model will manifest and once let loose strikers, protesters, activists, rebels, etc, will no longer do it on a small scale but amass everyone as much as possible on an international scale.


This is the reality facing us if wisdom does not stop the advancement of disproportionate wealth, a disease in this advancing modern world of ours which is continuing to thrive without a resulting antidote.


Pensions and everything else that are disproportionate and vulgar need to be taken to the recovery room. It’s really the time that everyone realizes the consequences facing the survival of the planet because one thing will lead to another and everything when out of proportion becomes lethal and nasty and anything then could happen. I will leave the possible rest to the imagination. The world though, will never blow itself up, because love and tolerance has increased and the greater knowledge being given to us from those above that will continue to increase as long as world economy merges to a greater extent and continues to integrate us, will actually give us the necessary solutions to help save us. A perfect example is China investing in Greece, and Greek nationals pleased that this is happening whereby once upon a time when they were prosperous they definitely might not have allowed it.

As far as the computer blasting the earth with meteorites, this is a real threat, as we have recently witnessed. 


Another point and reference I will add and this in regards to pope Francis and the statement he made. May it bless everyone and especially those that are in the thick of it and hold centre stage, with sometimes very simple or other times as at present, fundamentally gruesome and ruthlessly "pointed out for them and everyone watching" hard decisions before and over them.


He said, quote: It is never the use of violence that leads to peace.

In line with the above as the right decisions are made, it then becomes a wonderful phrase especially when achievement and common sense prevails. All ends well that starts well and by communicating before things get really out of control better things are possible.


We need to realize as history has shown and taught us in different situations and circumstances, that if we applied the above statement we would definitely end up on the losing and receiving end, because there are types of evil when having reached a certain level and proportion cannot then be removed without the use of some kind and level of force or violence and the more it’s left unchecked the greater everyone that was meant to do something about it will be rewarded in kind as destiny will not forgive who was meant to intervene. The sage or those that hold the key in this field with undisputable necessary balance would then tell us by hearing and obeying the computer how best to deal with it. They would receive timing and be able to know in whose best interest it would be for the sake of everyone that they should rightly intervene, and in time a structure in line with destiny will become available and placed in existence. Be very careful and firmly realize that it's not always up to the same individual or group of nations that are meant to police the world when other players are now available because otherwise destiny will build up in such a way against and not for them when the total evidence is added up and the computer takes measures to redirect it.


It was never possible to play games with other peoples lives and unless real concern is shown by politicians and other high authorities to amend this, become positive and creative to make a difference, the time will arrive everywhere when support is drummed up that the people will take things into their own hands. Dominant attitudes to keep some on top will no longer be tolerated. Please for everyone's sake, senior people sort yourselves out by making things right and more corporately orientated by nature even if this is unfamiliar as destiny demands, by creating a new entity even though it will be a struggle and not easy at first, and in this way avoid the risk of embarrassment, removal or worse consequences from above! 


All of us find pleasure and satisfaction in whatever best suits us but in everything there are upsides and downsides. All that exists requires balance to be exceedingly fruitful and unless both the negative and positive effects are taught and clearly defined, righteousness will always be lacking the most important thing that to all intent is missing today. Religion is at fault, christianity more than others when it did not teach or apply these methods by taking war all over the world in the name of god and when the rest of the world already had the same god that everyone has at conception even though the understanding differs.


Top leaders in all walks of life must show and have from within unilateral support for one another always with great caution and wisdom and not with a smile on the face by agreeing, and later with a stab in the back in mind. The time to be tough but also able to compromise whenever possible is here now with us. Those that are using these ploys besides politicians had better know that even though it may be scriptural in their holy book, the computer above will not tolerate it and will only lead to increased strife later. What you are doing is temporary and certainly not right even though the same computer (god) is telling you to do it because all in all, it's what the rest of the world deserves because those were the same tactics that they have always employed and because it suited them. If the shoe is on the other foot, destiny now says; it's tough for them! You had the scriptures, why did you not abide by them? What goes around comes around, and the computer above purposely gave and added the scripture to their holy book for it later to happen, and now they believe it, and adopt the method. What is done is done, and opposite unfavorable circumstances will always follow when we remain proud and unforgiving. You will later have only yourselves to blame if you remain on this path. Everyone make a start by doing a U turn and stop using the same methods because otherwise this revelation would have not being given to us. To be irresponsible and contradict it by carrying on regardless is no different than committing voluntary suicide. This without doubt ongoing and more severe later as it builds up will have a  malign or evil affect on everyone.


Religious and political leaders please be aware that the world is wise to this style of agreeing but not meaning it but this time around no one will be fooled. Be very careful that you listen to the right spirit because god as  I know, will manifest in many different forms and guises of both good and evil to realign and rectify destiny but we have to know the limits that certain scriptures can be taken and when to stop and end it. Nudges by the spirit either way will manifest but common sense should be the norm and essence of knowing where we are in time and it's most essential that we all learn and act with greater wisdom higher knowledge and maximum prudence.