Chapter 48



Religion is definitely out of the running with other faith walks not far behind because of the modified unique up to date developments taking place.


Disciplined the way they are, within all that they are and believe, what they have can no longer be marketed the way it was done in the past.


For them to remain steadfast and not have the ability to see further than they have been taught will not only deny them the ability to think and act on a global scale but also receive the greater truth and vision of seeing and believing in extraterrestrial life in the many galaxies that they may exist.


They teach that faith moves mountains, but fail on the most logical answers that modern children find no problem in figuring out.


How anyone can join them today or remain with them only the computer can answer this one, but I do know that destiny plays a major role in this.


They go to meet god every time they gather together and bask in the spirit’s presence when all the time the spirit is with them wherever they are and also everywhere else, otherwise everything would be dead minus the spirit activating them. Is this not easy to understand? They wait for the touch of the spirit and believe that they are given life and are going higher without realizing that only knowledge within all that they hear in truth will take them higher. Scripture explicitly says: My people die from lack of knowledge.

All ceremonies do nothing to increase an individual even though the magnetic air waves that they believe is god’s spirit pretend to be something that they need not be by very intimately or in awesome ways working on the surface all over the individual or inwardly in the so many different guises and adaptations that destiny can bring about making them imagine all sort of things that may not necessarily be right because of all the lies that are told when we believe that the computer or god in this case is non-existent. Destiny though does, or may play a part in all that is felt or experienced, but touched by its power alone should not be our main concern but more important is that we educate ourselves and one another as much as possible and when it happens that we feel and experience it in so many different ways we should not be fearful of it because there are explanations for it. The real reason is cause and effect and not demonic at all as some in various circles believe.


A woman told me that she has been praying for forty years for Jesus to return. In my mind I would have thought that she would by far have been better off following after wiser pursuits or spending her time educating herself further than she has at present and “no offence meant by this."

Imagine how many people have done the same thing and all of the times that they prayed not understanding the scriptures that have only opened of late, with a closer more for real no nonsense fundamental reality and identity.


Wasting time can be costly when all the time when led by the computer we can be elsewhere delivering or receiving blessing.


The time of going to church or praying as often as possible and not obeying fully the computer because we don’t know any different and are unwilling to cooperate by submitting and do anything asked and required of us because destiny allows us choices will soon be over when everyone will fully realize that there is no further life after death and that we are not forgiven our sins and furthermore that what we sow we then reap with following descendants also in the equation.


When I have said in an earlier chapter that we in these times are able to grow organs but those above are able to grow whole bodies. This in reality happens from the moment we are conceived, grow and die, because throughout the process the computer knowing intimately everything about us can shape every part of us as destiny demands, enacting every little quirk to the last miniscule detail. It has the capacity to change us from thin to obese whether we eat huge amounts or not. Turn us from beautiful to ugly or vice versa, bend us sideways, forward, etc, etc, at different ages all in line with destiny, a never ending process without limitations capable of anything.


When we are comfortable with this, the computer has asked me to say this:


Those above in a higher realm to ours who act as overseers through me the computer that they program to keep watch over you.

All life belongs together that has the same inadequate disposition towards one another because of destiny ruling over the ever turning vicious circle of the have and have not.

When there is a difference in the way society acts due to their competence in administrating everything in a more just way to balance out, bind and increase those less able to do it for themselves, they will then promise to reward each man with a miracle of new hope and invigorating greater longer life.

Simply put: Correct and cure the barbaric ills that the author or the muse have failed to cure throughout history before you, and you and your descendants will receive a most magnificent reward of salvation, by parting the gates of heaven and closing those of hell down here in our realm.


This in time will happen because scripture does say in Revelation 20: 1-3 that there will be a one thousand year reign of peace. This though per se, does not literally signify one thousand years but only a certain amount of time unless records from the past can prove that any number of years specified were correct. An example is when Elijah prayed and it did not rain for the amount of time that he said of three and a half years.

Peace cannot reign forever or over such a long distance because destiny can't be righted all at once and there will always be a source of evil at work on the rebound over periods of time even if only minor.

It does say that after a thousand years the dragon will be let out of the bottomless pit for a short time. All in line with what I have explained above, but not with such a huge gap or in such a confusing way.

The key to locking this evil up will arrive through higher knowledge that we will be given to understand.


We need to pray if it’s within our destiny to do so, until the time arrives that we may only have to do it every now and then or not at all. No rules or regulations on this one, the same applies to fasting or anything else that is part of traditions or culture. One man's meat is another man's poison. Take the plank out of your eye before you see the speck in another person’s eye. Don’t be self righteous and believe that only your way is always right. Only be critical if you are certain that what you say is right and constructive even though no one is infallible. We can be wrong!


Please no longer believe, when it’s our duty to warn those less able to see clearly, that holy books as a whole can provide all that we need to create the available peace that will follow, because if they could have done so, with all the years that they have been in existence it would have happened by now.