United For And Towards Love Dignity And Peace 60



Please make sure that you have fully read chapter 59 because I have added considerably to it, and this next lead is important to establishing some of the facts.


This lead should have been together with the other leads on United Two Witnesses but I felt that it was more appropriate following chapter 59. 


Life is what we make it, and the reason why it's best that everyone should work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Is that in the event that we place trust and faith in others less knowledgeable and misinformed "whose arguments hold no substance" we will self destruct.


Ignorance is bliss they say; but it will also make you ill, infirm or kill you early.


Some members of society have a belief that we cannot change destiny and when our time is up, it's up! This is not true when we acquire knowledge and find out that being led by the computer is a far wiser alternative.


All species have the same rights as humans. They too have a database and hurt and feel pain similar to humans, unless you want to believe in scripture and that they were created for man's purposes, to be eaten sacrificed or be used as best suited him and in the process "enslaved?" It does say though, that when making use of them to take care of them. Is this obeyed everywhere? The different multi-faiths that own them, are you taking care of them? Should Faith leaders not make sure that this is done? Is it only humans that interest you because they provide the numbers and remuneration for some to feather their nests and further plans? If these animals could "vote" or pay their way, which some of them do by giving pleasure and also working, "very hard and to extremes where abused," would you then provide and take care of them? 


Every day is a new day, and all that we believe from day to day makes a great difference to who we are and all that we become, when we leave nothing to chance or confusing and detrimental self destroying beliefs.


Don't miss different photos of ducks? 


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VIDEO: Cruelty of chef Gordon Ramsey's foie gras supplier exposed in shocking footage.


By Andy Lines