Timely inspired Words From Author 9

1: It started out as mission impossible but here I am with others and god doing the possible.

I encourage all of you to never give up. Dream the dream that god has placed in your heart and never let go no matter how hard it becomes.

Respect and fear nothing when you know the way god is going to use you because until you accomplish all that he has set out for you to do? As bad as it can become you will always pull through.


2: Recommendations make room and space for backhanders or returned favours at later dates. Once placed in existence we will then find that necessary doors will only open in this way.

Superb control is always the best way forward unless later when times are hard and finances and favours are in short supply, we don’t face disaster when doors are closed.


3:From the Film: Oliver Twist. The greatest sin is ingratitude.

Never forget others when you elevate yourself and never be a Judas unless it's out of your control because this can also happen.

This is true reality and we must learn to recognise the fact because this makes for better laws.


4: Time to think and without prejudice because it's really not too hard.

Why should one or a few benefit from the labour of many others?

Can a working man make a living without an employer or can an employer make a living without the working man? Why then is there such a gross immense gap between the ways one lives as opposed to the other? Something in the system is wrong for this to be possible. The laws in this case are not adequately fair and need amending.


5: I have heard said that it's ok to steal or take advantage of those with bags of money because they are unfair in the first place and take more than is justly theirs. Two wrongs don't make a right but destiny will always give the opportunity to steal from them if this that they say about them is true.


6: Can we know what the future holds and how sure can we be?

Scripturally we know that there are troubles ahead but we also know from what it says that we will also find peace.

There can never be peace as long as everyone is not happy and not treated fairly and neither because our opinions differ regarding god those above and life after death. Not forgetting destiny that controls life and will also have to be accepted as the prime motivator or suppressor.

These issues carefully dealt with as best we can, will make later life easier and a pleasure to live. Only truth will set us free and when something is meant to happen? No one will be able to find a way around facts that are there for everyone to see.


7: We will find that it's impossible to keep on moving forward, by pulling away from past friends or associates that have nothing in common with us and the side of god in righteousness for always, unless very blessed. Therefore be prepared as god leads you to slowly take small steps backwards. For me it happened when I had become strong and able to resist the worst temptations, but we are all different and this is why we should never discriminate or judge others less able to resist.

This also gives the opportunity to educate with awareness regarding god and other subjects, without preaching but in conversation as it arises. Here amongst sinners is also where lies real blessing, because you may then also unload and restructure destiny as god shows you how" and not leave all the bad for later victims. 


8: Every Faith believes in god in various different ways otherwise they would not be divided but united.

They believe in one god but do no not consider and appreciate the fact, that global society will only ever arrive at oneness through one god when a better singular message is embraced.

Those that do realise will depart from their Faith and teaching as the new awareness arrives. The presence of god or anointing that they once felt or experienced in mettings will slowly wane and fade out also making them feel uncomfortable.



9: We are born in traditions steeped in time and not always good or credible. To live longer more blessed and rewarded? All that's wortheless has to go.


10: The past is never dead until it cancels itself out because all that it is, goes on to create the future. This means that it will not release everyone at once.