Chapter 1

                                      THE DALAI LAMA


His holiness the Dalai Lama tells his Face book friends that religion is no longer adequate.


He states that all the world's major religions with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance and forgiveness, can and do promote inner values, but the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion are no longer adequate.

This is why He is increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether.


I also personally with firm belief in his wise counsel, sincerely hope to give further constructive proof of this as God releases and inspires through me revelation to reach a new level, with a greater, more credible and functional awareness, minimally already here as I have liberally voiced it abroad, but the major part non existent before now.


Change can happen in two ways, voluntary or by force and to resist when it’s destined to happen is futile, making the situation worse by not advantageously benefiting anyone. Being trusting and naive of all that's at work absolutely neither benefits anyone when its a force to be reckoned with, and incredibly difficult when we have no idea of what is really going on amongst us when we are cheated from an unfolding intended Godly inheritance, with God at present saying that we should contest it because of assailing increasing facts being revealed to us.


God drawing from destiny will provide the understanding, creating awareness, insight and focus, on how best to avoid some of the worse effects by not allowing the situation to escalate more than necessary out of control.


There are two Spirits, one helping us by revealing and providing understanding, while the other is resisting because of the present illogical way we believe life should be lived and revitalizing eyes are what's needed.


Another way to look at it, is that destiny cannot cancel out the wrong done in the first place and has no choice but to procure the present evil and disruption already partly here.


The future can only take a turn for the better, when those higher up that should by rights know better! Try and do something about it, with a new heart to do what's best expected for the whole developed or underdeveloped world and it's high time that those who believe that spirituality and politics do not mix, that they reconsider, nullify this smoke screen so that they can animate and rally the people together as God leads.


In a nutshell: This is the aspiration when we are transported and moved by action in our daily moments, or at all times for that matter day or night when we are led by God the Spirit, truly exciting and satisfying when dedicated because of the new that it will convey, when we are at the right place at the right time and always convincingly worthwhile, carefully providing the flexible answers step by step by renewing the old.

If we did go for this I don’t think that on the whole in the long run we would be disappointed, and when should we start, but when God says and in numbers, because only in this way will we ever see necessary changes take place without luck involved, but extraordinary with what rightfully belongs to us.


We have arrived at the moment of truth because of this new age already upon us, and unless we really conscientiously consider and acknowledge the true worth and principle of our nature and belief with the sure added never accomodating and also not frustrating responsible reality of love our neighbour as ourselves and do unto others as we would like them to do unto us with a sense of togetherness and deep pride with a sympathetic window of investigative concern from our inner self, both; with gentleness and toughness without ego or anger when required, we will have missed it. Just as many other generations have done before us and to have continually paid the price for their ignorance and folly from one to the next, since the beginning of our existence.


It is never enough to know too much in advance and best for all of us when destiny allows, to attempt and do our outmost to find out beforehand what life has in store for us.


Throughout time many were prepared by God with knowledge to warn the people of impending doom, but the majority never ever took notice. This includes present day shepherds because they don’t believe in messages of doom that will effect their flocks as they constantly want the people under their guidance built up with good things from God and never the opposite, and they also stand stalwart and firm on the other impossibility that God would never let them down when the Bible shows, that "He does!" And believe that they will be taken out of the troubles ahead by the assumed rapture that will take place, without realising that it's wishful gullible thinking and misinterpretation of scripture when the prophetic revelation given has not reached the stage of maturity in time for it to be clearly deciphered!


People never change, especially when they are top heavy without blessing on hand and too busy running their own lives as best suits them, without relying on God to lead the way for them, until when dilemmas appear and things go wrong, it’s then generally too late for anything to be done about it.


Opportunities come and go and so do disasters and we then become disappointed because of the pinch and financial chill that settles in, with worry effecting some of us a lot more than others depending on how inefficient and not compact things are, and over the course of time things will only get better if all goes well, but will it! Because robots, machinery and cheap labour are on the increase.


The best ways to always alleviate problems is to stay at all times in tune with God from one generation to the next, both in good and bad times because this is where true fortune lies, but in bad times sometimes even God cannot help if in some way we have helped create the situation.

There are more believers than unbelievers and if the world has problems this means that those that believe somewhere along the line have failed to understand the rules and government that God gives us, creating all that we have with us today and even though it's not good, it's a wake up call and still better than existed in other times of trouble, recession, depression, or genocides, otherwise things would not be changing for the better, even if it looks worse and this is because everything is becoming transparent and can be seen for what it is when nations or certain members of society have lost the element of secrecy that was once in place and possiple to maintain.

Genocides happen after many years or even a century later when destiny not amazingly, brings back upon the people long after the same that they subjected upon others through religious and sectarian conquest or political control, by starving or killing their own nationals in so many ways to win elections, battles, take fortified cities, or allowing them to die of malnutrition due to excess taxation, or at the moment starving them on purpose so as to receive aid that never reaches those that are starving as it's stolen along the way by dictators and their underlings. It's time now though, to believe in better and change past behaviour if we are ever going to stop the vicious circle of cause and effect by going along with God as He blesses the whole world that's under His domain, "with fair proper and evolving faster, just and balanced continual judicial judgement."  


Warnings were given regarding the latest financial and economic crash as far back as possibly 12 years ago but no heed was taken.


There are two reasons for this:


One is that those concerned intended to make as much money as possible in a short space of time and somewhere along the way possibly put a stop to it, which never happened.

Two is that destiny with God at the helm intended for it to happen so that then the changes that are due to take place in this new era, will happen and would not let them put a stop to it.


Please also consider and be aware that when evil is allowed further scope and room to operate because of too much leniency, or because of the conditions that people are pressurised and expected to live  and survive under, it will always become more adept at studying ways on how to further fool or take advantage of those less wary.


Have the immoral or corrupt individuals who engineered what has happened, together with those that profited, really considered and meditated on their behaviour when added up, and how it will in retrospect affect themselves and their families once having taken out the ever magical money aspect side of it, because of the overall toll and resulting damage that was caused. Are they now further considering other ways to make profits at the expense of others less informed? and in so many horrible catastrophic ways because this is normally the case. Unless destiny used them in this way because they had on their side enough blessing to overcome the risk and consequences if it was their turn to go up in the chain of cause and effect, but nothing is guaranteed them because only God knows how they stand and there is no secret formula when they think or believe that they can carry on doing it over and over again and destiny not act against them as the vicious circle slides to the other end of the scale, starting the reproductive cycle all over again and this time against them, but certain characters keep on taking chances because this is the only way that they believe and have been taught life should be lived, and quite obvious in some families actually bred into them, for then to be able stay on top of the social ladder at all cost.


Understanding the past as God shows us will give us a picture of what is at hand and due to take place and by the way it is handled will either alleviate or further create more disruption and disorder with upheaval.


No matter how much governments try to resolve existing problems, I personally do not believe they will succeed to halt the present maelstrom on the increase because otherwise nothing would change for the better, especially if all available existing systems whether in part good or absolutely bad, are allowed to remain the same.


Another thing to note is that good systems also have to change because of abuse when there is no proper accountability for self or the law.


It also happens because not enough consideration and deliberation is given to how the people should live and survive in conditions created by those less aware of others needs and circumstances when they have been used to better things, or that they have the desire of better things for themselves, because of the necessary status, recognition and unblessed results that materialistically, life always psychologically strives for.


May God bless us by giving us the all round possibility to find ways to remedy present world conditions, and that our minds will change for the better so that providence and prosperity will abound in an all round manner.


The innovative and rewarding work ahead will remove poverty by unlocking the imagination, and profoundly and thoroughly bless those that will cooperate and take part, even though inevitably for some there is risk attached.


Students who have a grievance with their governments after contemplating and considering carefully the contents of this book, should if they desire willingly spread it abroad globally to other students and at the same time make the facts known to those among the varied Faiths that represent them especially their leaders, without the need for violence and disorder that we have seen of late because at the end of the day politicians will always go with the majority if it means that in this way they can either remain in control or find office for themselves. The multifaiths when convinced by coming together and closing ranks before being depleated in numbers within changing destiny and present times "when things will become new," should deliver the vast numbers of signatures needed to petition governments regarding the removal of student fees for the readily available excellent rewards that destiny has set apart and prepared for those who are not sitting comfortably in their comfort zones, doing nothing about injustice and by motivating themselves are ready to surrender and obey God, doing things differently from all that their Faiths whether religious or in The Spirit have previously conditioned and accustomed them to do things. This will immediately make life much, much easier and worth living for everyone.


Daily Mail 10th August 2016

By Eleanor Harding

Education Correspondent


1 in 3 regret university because of debt.


More than a third of young graduates wish they had skipped university due to the huge debts they accumulated, a report found.

Around 37 per cent former students under 35 said they regretted getting a degree, while 49 per cent believe they would have got to where they are now without it.

 Despite having had longer to see the benefits of their higher education, 25 to 35 year-olds were as likely to say they regretted university due to debt as those aged between 18 and 24. The findings, from two surveys of around 2,000 people by insurer Aviva, is further evidence that student debt continues to be a significant burden for many years. The Government claims student loans repayments are manageable because graduates pay back only 9 per cent of what they earn over 21,000.

 However, the payments can be a strain when young adults are struggling with high rents, paying into pensions and trying to save for a housing deposit or first child. The study follows the Government's announcement that tuition fees are due to rise in line with inflation next year to £9,250 a year.

 Aviva's Louise Colley said: "Millenials are plagued with uncertainty about the out-look for their financial futures...which has not being helped by the uncertainty of today,s economic and political climate.

 "The financial hang over from university has also led many in this age group to question whether in hindsight they made the right decision and how much value it has brought to their current position."

The majority of mothers and fathers dote over their children and try to provide as best they can for them, and it is plain to see that the British Government by stopping the allowance for students are not only not a fatherly figure but are leaving some of the graduates with serious pressure due to financial problems.

I have stated somewhere else in the book, why they have done this and if I believe correctly, is so that those that can afford university fees especially the rich would then have a lever for their children by giving them an advantage where it concerns better jobs especially now that there is a shortage.

I feel sad though, that even with protests nothing from whence I started writing this book has changed. I do feel strongly for the students and do blame the multi-faiths for not taking it up with the Government. If they don't have the numbers to do it, I can then see no hope for their future as far as I am concerned.