Chapter 3

                                          THE FUTURE


We are at the fringe of a considerable mind shift with the truth appearing creating a new age, a catalyst for social change with considerate, conscientious reasoning.


The use of both eyes has its advantages and many eyes far and wide are presently, logically, pioneering ways to liberate the mind by awakening and raising the awareness to combined justifiable levels.


This is clearly visible, as the evidence is there when we locate relevant information, given from within the necessary media or other sources and as we access the web but only whenever God directs, as this is the best way to avoid unwanted, unnecessary material creating other structures that would, even if imformative? Lead us astray from our intented route.

We cannot afford diversions if they steal the blessing later that would free the way for other more necessary requirements, that we need for our particular tasks in hand. 

Blessing accrued cannot be wasted, every little piece or different size of portion has to be utilized in the way that God knows best, unless we want to struggle or end up failing. 

Please be led by the Spirit at all times in the best possible way that only He knows by being dead to self, and placing the total control of our lives in its hands.


Time will improve the way we relate to one another as reorientations emerge, with great minds globally gathering pace and will in time come together and join forces.


They will become the axis and axiom that will generate peace, with ingenious solutions if our planet is to succeed and triumph over the present unfolding worldwide situations, which will escalate if necessary solutions and remedies are not found.


The principal ways that the world presently revolves around will terminate. It will include near and far sighted logic that will release order throughout, with imaginative concepts far beyond our present state.


These concepts will be tied to personal fate and global destinies that will quell the present dissatisfied voices.


The use of currency will have to terminate. It will then be possible to monitor the way we live by not allowing the present evil the extent of freedom that it enjoys.

Those that have nothing to hide and are responsible individuals playing their part in an honourable way have nothing to fear, but in this way the evil that surrounds all of us when allowed total freedom will have to take a backseat and structural sin will then not be able to generally affect destinies in a combined way the same as it does today.

Taxes would then be paid and all the underhanded dealing to an extent would end, creating a more placid moralistic less hectic state of living, with people enjoying and spending more time with their families with better pursuits and more to go round which can then be used to alleviate the suffering in the world.


The murky world we live in will have to be made more public and visible for the unruly and morally corrupt element within society to not destroy the wholesome fibre and backbone of a nation and at the same time in this way end illegal offshore financial trading and other practices that give those already earning millions or billions far too much for adequate living conditions the prospect to earn more, at the expense of those who support them in so many ways and working for minimum wages that barely keep them afloat, in the process making life what it should never be intended to be, and especially when those that have and continue to make huge amounts of capital say, that they care about the world and its people and some are fantastic by the way they apply themselves and give to charitable causes, but not realising that by what they practise because of the systems in use, is exactly the reason and cause of what we have in the world today and which is unfair.


The big corporations have as much right to pay their fair share of taxes as ordinary individuals and loopholes should be done away with.


The unfair state and level of earnings tied to contracts should also end. When someone goes to work they should go for one sole reason and that they do the best they can for their employer. They should not have to resort to ways that destroy the heart of finance and commerce because they have their mind set on the bonuses that they can earn, resorting to immoral ways and gain that the underprivileged have to accept, even when they dont necessarily have the finances to meet their greed.


It is also mind bending philosophy at its worst when governments cut back on student grants in times of austerity and shortage of jobs, and they do this for the simple reason that it then guarantees those who are more well off that have the finances to go to college and university and when qualified the opportunity to apply for vacancies and job opportunities with less competition.

Those that have; are safeguarding their sons and daughters future by this method.

In good times there is no need, because the old boy network ( cronysm and nepotism) finds it easier to accommodate family, friends and those connected.


The required intervention of the multi-faiths is of maximum importance if legislations within the present laws are to be changed, making politics a tool to be feared and not the buffoonery and wanton disregard that we are continually subjected to, by the antics of inefficiency and incredible waste in the wrong areas that are being exposed, played out by people who have no idea what the responsible attitudes of a politician should be, without respect for those that do care and unless we interfere further than already happening will carry on unashamedly and unabated.


Everyone should be made more seriously aware and responsible with the end in mind, that by the way those in control create and act in every possible way, the rest then in an all around way end up paying the price for their failings, with the vicious circle never ending when criteria with a fair and modest equilibrium and balance is non existent.


The placid, uncaring ways in times of plenty have created the present, and unless mankind monitors his neighbour constantly to stay ahead and on top by educating more than anything, with tough love, applied wherever it's absolutely necessary, the same effects will always reproduce.


Needless to say after all that I have said, that those at the top are in the main responsible, because of their inability to see what they are creating that affects everyone and being also fair to them by not being one sided, their actions must also reflect on the state of the people they serve and the way they act in the world, otherwise destiny would have raised up better leaders.


We cannot run away from cause and effect, because undoubtly what we sow we then end up reaping.

The whole world at different times exploited and destroyed others, either because of civil wars or as conquerors, but it must come to an end sooner or later when clearer wiser logic concludes its cycle and aftermarth.  


If we want better, we then have to become better and in the meantime act, and stop complaining when the going is tough because if it's meant to be it's meant to be. I personaly had to face tough brutal situations and God did not relent until I learnt the lesson from within my destiny, and by this I imply that everyone has their own cross to bear because once something is created and slowly accumulates, it's then harder to eradicate when we dont know, or forget how it was created in the first place and the only possible and best thing that we can do in the meantime is to create as much good as possible, so that when the bad arrives on its return journey, we then have hope in the good, which to some degree should help us and sustain us through it and keep us safe and alive.