United For And Towards Love Dignity And Peace 30

Will we never learn and will we always allow destiny to reproduce itself in the same unprecedented ways every decade, or later centuries.


There is no doubt that what happened in Stafford was down to human nature, but what was it that gathered those supposed professionals together and to act in such an inhumane way if it was not destiny at work, because otherwise somebody would have raised a stink and something would have been done about it well before the end.


I have explained in previous chapters that destiny will run its course unless it's offset, and no longer can we afford to act irresponsible in every possible way and not care about others, because when a nation or individuals are rich and powerful this is the time to be considerate, otherwise later; all of us even after many generations that create this for others with destiny never forgetting and keeping account, will allow us to suffer the same fate that we impose on others.


All things happen for a reason even though later victims might, or not have played a part in it, but their ancestors or officials that they supported in one way or another no doubt did, otherwise the computer would not unjustly let these things happen.


Why does it only happen in some areas and not across the whole NHS, or country regarding other things?


Society divides itself continuously and finds its own niche as destiny drives them and in this way areas of nations by being wealthier during different periods of time when they don’t invest in others in times of abundance, later they will find that the balance of wealth shifts and what was allowed to inconsiderately happen to others either in their areas, nation, or other countries under their influence in the end returns, sometimes indiscriminately and at other times just upon certain individuals.


Everything we do has our stamp and name on it and society fails to understand this even though the scriptures are clear on this.

This is another reason why religion has let us down by watering down scripture, not only by the confusing element within scripture that they fail to spot and divide, but by also what they have invented that does not hold water or any semblence of truth to those who can't be fooled.


Most people blame god when things go wrong. How very convenient!


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Neglect of the weak was not invented with the National Health Service

By Jonathan Freedland