Chapter 38



5th April 2013

The beginning of the new financial year in England.

Is it always coincidence! Or is it god trying to tell us something by this date?


It's always very important for our combined development and personal welfare including family members; by always being conscious of where we sow our finances and seeds of our labour for the right reasons and right fruit and harvest.


Real love is part of one’s inward disposition. It’s how we see right from wrong and from a many sided way of reasoning.


If beautiful parts of the world were given over to individuals that did not deserve them and this is why destiny governs us in a way that everyone has thoughts that eventually take them to their intended destination, they would trample and make those places wallows of filth and destruction just like pigs enjoy wallowing in mud.


Being realistic though from an opposite view, rich wealthy people living in the most desired places in the world not caring or able to see fellow man wallowing in filth because of the conditions they are expected to live in, lack that part of love that fails to respond adequately enough to raise them out of the inward wallowing that is part of their character. This does not exclude those in religion or faith groups.


For the first time today the thought struck home and severely shocked me to my senses.


After saying over and over again in the different chapters of this book, that religion together in numbers and harmony should peacefully protest and clear up the mess that is slowly accumulating and will eventually bring about unstoppable furore. The leaders even though saying that the poor and needy should be helped and speaking out against corruption to a certain extent; They will never rally the people together and march for what they should represent as love, because they do not want to bite the hand that feeds them.


I do not have figures of how much they are given yearly in so many ways, but it’s a fact that the rich and wealthy have always provided for religion and bequeathed property and other assets.


They pay in sums of money voluntarily or when asked and for some, a tithe of 10% of their salaries as they receive it and this before taxes plus other offerings.


This makes you wonder? Will they ever rise up to the occasion and challenge, by raising up an army against those whom just one individual might be paying them any number of millions or billions a year? And because of this I must assume; that they will never take the risk by picking up the gauntlet to challenge them politically or otherwise, making this one of the main reasons why so many of their flocks will leave for other pastures.


They will keep the wealthy, but forfeit the love that would not only stop the inevitable, but also increase their lives. Some of the plutocrats and philantrophists on understanding some of the issues that will arise and that they will be faced with, will voluntarily succumb and also move away creating something much, much better.

We all have to be careful though that we don't create something akin to religion but something that leaves only god in charge.


Something else that struck me; is that religion, or especially more so; the born again Christians, are very sharp and fanatical about give and it shall be given to you and in the manner you give it shall be given back to you when it comes to asking for funds, or incredible amounts of finances that can be plainly seen they use in a way that fails to touch its true objective because they squander vast amounts of it due to the lifestyle they lead. Best hotels, best restaurants, best mansions, jewels etc, etc, always the best of everything, but fail to say that this is the same as what we sow we reap and in the measures we sow we reap and applies to everything we do in life, paying the proper consequences for it when our actions shy away from taking into consideration the proper message of Holy books, to look over and take care of others less fortunate by not only building one another up but also creating a way that all life is respected because of love your neighbor as yourself. No decent individual would continually take the best out of life when systems are in force that destroy others and see them destitute.

How do we build one another up? By slowly taking them to our level of everything and this is not easy and requires debate upon debate. 


The other point that I must raise again at god's insistence: That there is nothing wrong with Popes or other leaders apologizing for past sins and transgressions against humanity, partly because of illicit power and partly because of ignorance, but no good asking god for forgiveness, because as soon as these acts are committed, destiny will forge and create paths with these acts principally in mind recreating future destiny.

Those that supported regimes like the inquisition etc, etc, because it goes on and on when we have eyes to see, together with their descendants have already paid the price for their affiliation, because past destiny in some way has taken care of it, just like present affiliations or those we support today for morally and ethical wrong reasons, future destiny will take care off in a just way.


The bible is not coherent and specific enough regarding destiny, but there is enough in its content if divided rightly by removing confusing elements that also exist, to make one responsible for their actions, "without forgiveness" but judgment fashioned and implemented by a just god. 


Mistakes, in ignorance or not, or by knowingly acting unjustly even given no other options, will always be: Man evolving according to the destiny he creates.

There will come a time where we will be fully conscious of this and will then look at life carefully under a microscope and apply appropriate wisdom.


Salvation is from within us, by hearing and being led by the spirit and acting accordingly through what we believe, think speak and live out. Religion though is institutionalized to the extent that all it is and all it means to the main percentage of the people who follow it, no more than a set of traditions that have become part of their culture but lacking the ability to hear god for themselves and this because they have never been taught how, in case they then challenged the establishment and opposed or overturned it. "Which is now without compromise in the process of happening.


This is also the case why so many spiritual devotees were tortured and killed during the inquisition, or burnt at the stake in the dark ages, under the pretense that they were sorcerers and practicing witchcraft, so that it then left the church able to practice all its dead works and which it still does up to the present day.


Can all people in religion hear god, or just following its practices? Is this not the reason why there is so much trouble in the world? Is this also not that particular time when we should teach them how?

Not a big dilemma really, because all they have to do to be awakened; is to note and be aware of the intuitions and instincts within them coupled to their thoughts, that the spirit controls. Once this happens you are born again. No baptism no special religious ritual is needed, due to god being the giver of life or death and constantly part of everyone whether a believer or not, otherwise the physical form without the spirit in control would collapse and die.


Nothing good will ever end, but all that's no good sooner or later especially when the times will eventually move us forward and closer to one another, will be done away with, as the lie and all that's incorrect becomes exposed.  


A prophet is a teacher that not only foretells, but speaks forth under gods direction as necessary. I have also read or heard somewhere: That not the man but his works speak for him.