Chapter 4



Reformists are those who try their best to change the world with common sense, but are not fully given the opportunity to do so, when it clashes with the way life is organized and expected to run its course.

Religion maintains in practise what's mostly confusing and cannot fathom or convince itself that it does not fully function.

Politics in all its aspects changes leaders within the different periods of time, but always without fail, ends up at the same place of discontent, rebellion or war.

The majority always win, but always come up against the glass barrier that they can see through but not remove, leaving us like sitting ducks at a shooting gallery.

Will something happen in our present age for it to change and how, or will it become worse so that this time around everyone stops and think, for then to readjust and reshape things, once and for all.


Cause and effect is the only absolute practical law or rule that God uses so that in this way He may judge us equally alike and even reformists must now learn to use this balance. What we do and how, always has an effect on the creative reproductive cycle of our existence within the combined axis of good and evil and it's always better to move up in the world than go down when possible, but impossible without knowing how to best achieve it.


Life also requires deviation from good to bad when necessary, because of repercussions. No one is perfect and destiny many times depending on whatever it has in store for us, individually or corporately without offering an escape route, demands it! Biblically recognised when we see the Israelites and how life affected them, from peacetime and war and also in sickness and in health.


The best we can do if we are to withstand the bad and see us through it, is to do as much good as possible in the least possible time as God leads us, by creating a more rewarding destiny, and the sooner everyone starts the better it will be in an all round satisfactory way.


The debt or favour by the way we act for good will lengthen our lives and although it can become seriously tough and gruesome by whatever finds its way back, it cannot then have the same hold or total control that it previously would have had because it can then provide respite.


It's generally late and inadequate to say sorry or forgive me, when it’s something untoward with gloomy or destructive elements attached when we lack motivation to rebuild. This does not alter the fact that saying we are sorry or please forgive us is extremely good because of conscience sake and knowing that it’s wrong, but how do we take the stone back? When by hurling it at something or someone has created minimal or untold damage that we should have known better not to do, unless our personal safety was at risk and in this instance self preservation is more important, without a better means manifesting itself to avoid it.


At all times we should think before we act if there is time to do so, to be wise and able to chose the lesser more profitable evil, rather than implement or give place of honour to the greater.


Please consider, that very sharp shocking fast quick reaction, is many times out of our control as this is intended by God for it to be done in this way and at all times coupled to destiny on both sides. This is why? We should not take offence or allow others to step in on our behalf, by taking the matter to heart and on a personal level in cases where we know it was un-intentional and also where the Spirit tells us to withdraw peacefully.


It’s not cowardly to withdraw and walk away, when we know we can avoid trouble and not allow it to fester and escalate, as this will definitely recreate a poorer destiny.


It is also wise to do so, because this will take away the excess unnecessary burdens that we carry around with us, denying us the right to enter in and enjoy better relations as we meander through life, if in the past together with friends or other family members trouble was instigated or actually personally carried out, because we thought we had to prove ourselves, by being tough and arrogant.


Those nations who believe that being powerful makes them untouchable are not excluded, because internal or external revolts whether added to financial debt or not, when taking things too far for too long, in the end will lead to their downfall.


Negative and positive aspects that we generate work both ways, they create a destiny that will either attract or repel us from others, and its influences are the dividing factor in whether we find good or bad friends and whether favour or retaliation also manifests later as situations at present are revealing.


One thing in life leads to another, and evil will always raise its ugly head when better ways are not found, with destruction, health, sound mind and longevity of life taking its toll if not protected.

The main ways that it will manifest: Nature and all over elements with space phenomena; Man himself, and God in his capacity to deform, injure, afflict and kill. 


No one can afford to live life to the full in an uncontrolled way and not suffer personal consequences and other family related problems including possible national one's depending on who we are at a later date, even though pressures of life creating personal trials at times cannot be avoided. Irresponsibility at any stage throughout life will always later find us out. The contrary less illuminating and dysfunctional after effects because of genetics and all that fate created always kept in mind by God as He intervenes and guarantees proper judgement, will with necessary unfavourable compliments always reproduce into the next generations because as we do it to others without conscience or remorse the same will then find its rightful way back, and this is why it's absolutely important when we find the understanding to contemplate and to counteract the after effects that the stone initially created by helping to remove the pain and damage, death or disfiguration that was caused, replacing it without being oblivious of the fact with goodness, light and life.


Babies, small children and the rest of us of varying age even though being innocent, are subjected to suffering or other differing circumstances, because in the same way, and being fair about it! because it was maybe done in ignorance, but nevertheless, forefathers and those in authority at some time in the past invariably imposed it through others or personally carried it out.


Will those today better informed on realising the truth behind the unfolding scenario presently being shown, end or continue to allow the banality of evil within global societies the accepted normality and wrong disposition that it enjoys?


Life should no longer be lived in this way when culpability and sentiments of guilt enter the mind to realistically change our understanding, for then humanity to be assured a better future.

Isaiah 13-11 KJV

I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins.

I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless.


Big offending powers take note, because your time will come to an end! The rod of steel that the Bible speaks off, will mean that once you are exposed you will not have the protection that once allowed you to ride roughshod over others, as no one will place themselves in danger by trying to protect others as they did in the past. The old boy network of freemasons or illuminati will be more careful of not exposing themselves and getting caught out.


Are we full of pride and ruthless? Why is this? Are there motives, and are they ulterior? Who will they benefit more? and should the rest who suffer the after effects without benefiting, but fund this way of life for those who take the biggest part of the cake and put the least back, take it any longer and not have a say and make sure that this impractical way of life ceases.


Revival with healing miracles and signs and wonders is on the way on such a big global scale, never before possible or imagined and worth fighting for and must not be hindered because we are not prepared but brought forward as much as possible to its maximum availability.


Those with less pressures because they have resources should take advantage of present situations and provide facilities and equipment, where with considerate care start restoring programmes of general awareness and renewing of the mind.