Chapter 41



August 2013

It's back to reality. A time to be spontaneous and brutally sober, when it's swim or sink and for some, very hard to accomplish! They have failed to recognise, the signs of the times and avoided the warnings god gave well in advance. In fact, years ago and have remained ingrained in their outdated beliefs.


I have noticed, that all of the congregations or assemblies in Christianity, have not moved on by not keeping up, or not embracing fresh revelation which can be classified as the New Jerusalem that is continuing to descend from above, by denying it’s truth and power because they don’t believe all that it reveals and for this reason they now lack the oil for their lamps.


The Ten Virgins in Matthew 25: No doubt, all love god and this is the reason why they are called virgins for purity and devotion to him, but as Jesus explained, five are wise and the other five foolish.


This being the case, those foolish enough not to move with the times, are now lacking knowledge that would give them light and help them not only to live longer but also bless others, for then to be blessed in return. God by rights, should slowly remove his presence and anointing upon individuals when the truth is more commonly recognised, or remove those in their midst that are moving, by leaving!

No one! Any longer in the present moving times, can keep on preaching the same old message, as old as time itself and full of confusion in the bargain, when there is fresh life elsewhere and expect those that are moving with the times to remain with them.


Any congregation or following, needs up to date spiritual leadership, to be given life to keep on moving. Without it! They might just as well be dormant and only wasting time, without the possibility to renew themselves and live longer without ailments.

More than one problem will arise.

1: They will start losing numbers as is evident.

2: The younger generation will not want to participate, due to the fact that they do believe the new, and that god himself the spirit, is telling them to stay away. Never mind whatever their fathers and mothers say and that they should be in church.


The huge millstone that has now been cast into the sea, REVELATION 18:21: Will hurt the foolish virgins that are teaching and preaching confusion ( Babylon)

The rock resembling a huge millstone, is a better foundation with more profound, sounder, deeper and higher new knowledge being churned out and cast into the sea (symbolically representing the world) and because in the world, a major part will be accessed via internet and satellite, when this is one fast way, in which it can find it’s way to the four corners of the earth and without a shadow of doubt, destroy Christianity little by little and at the same time also other religions.


REV 18:21 King James Version

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.


The New Jerusalem, will become the new worldwide holy city slowly being accepted by members of all Religions because a single better message will manifest and a one god understanding for everyone will appear, but not without trials and possible trouble in some quarters.


The five foolish virgins who don’t have the oil to keep their lamp burning, are also those in religion who can’t hear god for themselves and allow their leaders by repetitive and dead works, with false doctrine and scriptures that hold no value regarding truth and present spiritual life, to lead them astray. In time as prophecy is fulfilled, it will all end. The New will see to it!


Two other scriptures: 

1: My leaders are blind and death leading the people into the ditch.

2: My priests and prophets are whitewashing the wall of Jerusalem.

Are you now following the right leaders, priests, or prophets? DO THEY HAVE THE OIL? Is what they are teaching truth, or the whitewash that they administer is something that makes everything look good, but underneath it, is no good but rotten and bad. They are stubborn, proud and persistent beyond belief, even when faced with the truth and the darkness is exposed!!

Those that will triumph, are those that let go of them and move with the spirit as it leads them to find better and at the same time help others to understand who can't hear god for themselves.


All considered, as we reflect and take a closer look at Christianity. From the outset,has cost many, too many to add up, "their lives". In total, it has done more harm than good, because the majority of those that embraced it were always on the make and always ready to conquer with greed foremost in mind, instead of helping or mending their ways, for then to live and let live. Is the same not still happening today? And the quicker it goes the better, as far as I can see! 


My ideal idea of faith. Is that it establishes accountability and certainly not on an unfounded belief, that someone can die for you and in the process remove all sin. Which is certainly not fact, when the evidence shows that this is only minutely true.


If anyone wishes to continue to have their lives ruffled or destroyed! Carry on regardless, with the belief in Christianity or other Faiths, whereby: god forgives, always loves and will provide life everafter after death. I am very sorry but it's not for me and will never stop strife and war.


I do periodically when I am led, for whatever length of time necessary, do watch Christian satellite TV. It's wonderful to see, the way that the New Jerusalem is visually shown and and how it will appear.

A bride dressed in white with waterfalls and landscaped beautiful gardens full of exquisite delicate  flowers. Very pleasing to the eye and all over sensation of the body. This is a wonderful example of a new Eden, or better still, a new world. To achieve it though? Without livable truth in its full reality, which religion does not possess! Is totally another matter.


The New Jerusalem, will only arrive through knowledge only partly here and certainly not in Religion, because to receive it without a new all round more logical foundation, this  is impossible. God in the process of doing away with Religion for something better, will for this reason, not give it to them!


Christianity and other Religions that teach success, acquired through present worldly systems as they presume, without a certain balance and actual change in lifestyle, accepted biblically or through other holy books normality. Will never, ever in all their imagining be able to create an ideal world. Confusing aspects will never by not starting anew, build a completely new Spiritual man that destiny has in mind.


The Jews believe, that they will build a new third Temple, but not realising, that this Temple will not be built out of bricks and mortar, but knowledge in a greater measure, descending from above, full of brand new concepts and systems, which will in the process, create a better human being, with unprecedented worldwide order. A new Jerusalem(Holy City). 


The sad melancholy confusion that I frequently encounter: Is that those that believe that Jesus died for them, being fully their saviour and stick strictly to the wrong parts of the bible, minus the ability or (gift) for another word, to divide it rightly! Are exactly the five foolish virgins which are not moving on and at the same time believe, that they are the five wise one's.


Those in other faiths that also stay strictly tuned to their holy books and are not open minded enough to receive better, are also in the same boat.


We should have also reached the stage by now, to know that the Spring of the Water of Life is "FREE." Therefore: If the spirit strictly tells us! We should neither tithe, give gifts or offerings, not buy books or CD's, because of the existing confusion. Stop doing it! Money, if it's supposed to do us the most good, might have to be put in different ground, which has the new better truth with green fresh food, clean still water and pleasanter pastures with favourable returns. Or better still, wherever god intends for you to sow it!


If Religion, due to what they are teaching has confusion written all over it. Take a real look at the world and this book to understand the wrongs that it lives and in the process wantonly destroys people which read the same holy books! Who are they fooling and who any longer needs the confusion?