Chapter 58



Maturity is the process of evolvement. A transition through a level of growth and awareness that by adjusting to life from within a higher and larger concentration of knowledge, the beneficiary increase manifests itself and rewards the recipient.


We can either miss reality or find it and it all hinges on the way our natural concepts align themselves to fact and truth and being able to evaluate and consider how life should be lived.

Where we originate from and the belief structure in place will directly contribute to our understanding and place of maturity.


God “ computer is in the process of creating everything anew and this literally means “everything!

The world has to become one for fruitful serenity and peace with no other option.


When we say it has to become one, how can this be possible with so many different cultures and belief structures in place?


As we become one through movements of people and integrations, culture will slowly adjust and take care of itself in a slow changing allocated time through cause and effect. This then leaves us with the main problem to deal with which lies in our faith and fundamental belief core in the way that we acknowledge it because of the way it’s structured.


Maturity has to grow and arrive not only through knowledge but also with reasoning and wisdom both applied. And here right this moment we face the question or statement as may be appropriate!
By everything becoming “new should this surely not have to include a new holy book catering for everyone?


The reason I omit the use of capital letters is because it will never be totally holy as with the passing of time with knowledge always increasing, all that we might find appealing today will later pass away. All holy books presently with us will no doubt still be valuable at some point for future reference, as and when we are led to them but when the new one takes his place in the midst of us, most of the content of the old ones will become obsolete.


How hard and how long will the process be before it's recognised and the new one manifests? This will depend on present mentality and how soon the theory and obvious logic behind it is recognised?


Please be careful by slowly maturing and to give special attention to whether you should continue to pray or not!


By praying you could be taking yourselves out of your ongoing destiny's will for the better.

The obvious confusing and wrong misleading elements that I hear being spoken in prayer will send you away on other paths, rather than the intended one that you should be on.

The need to fast track destiny by being quiet and researching other material with your time by just being led as and when required to, is a "greater asset and therefore more important. Your attitude should become laid back, "relaxed but sharp and not working yourself into a frenzy with worry, because "the battle is the Lord's and nothing that you do out of season will help you as much as doing it in season for better reliable growth. When you panic by wasting and using up blessing on unnecessary and immaterial pursuits; "later when needing that same blessing that was wasted will leave you short and wanting, missing out on the better. This is why it's very important that we stay conscious and aware at all times, in tune and in line with the spirit and let go of trying to do it by our own power and strength in a more stressful ability that will burn us out without the desired result.


In case you have to pray because you have instilled it on others to do. You then have no choice but to carry on. And also in the case of the gift of tongues the spirit will either stop you or still carry on until necessary that they end. It does say in scripture that the time will arrive when they will end.


An explanation of the gift of tongues (glossolia) the ability to speak in other languages and also at times able to intrepet other languages as the spirit wills, will be given at a later date and why some receive the gift and others don't.