Chapter 69 c



1: Police or other forces when having to face demonstrators a natural part of their job, should weigh up whether part of those that they represent deserve this protection when they are unjust and unfair in the way they govern or allow others to govern for them. They should ask them to join them in the frontline when they believe that the problem is caused by them and risk their own life or limbs. This would make them think again when decisions are taken and not be so brash with them. The computer sees everything though, and will reward in kind, self; (public servants caught up in it,) or the rest that finance all public expenditure and support these governments, together also when over handedness is used.
Money unnecessary wasted in an overall general way. The cost that demonstrators incur, damage to property, and every other little detail, the computer calculates and adds it on the minus side of the balance sheet that it keeps for each one of us. Those that were meant to vote and did not vote those that were meant to speak in time and did not speak, it goes on and on to the very last decimal point. Life has a price tag and that cost to all of us means the difference between life and death when everything is taken into account and no one when it’s all summed up escapes the absolute judgement of what we do and how it’s done!


2: From all that I was taught and all that I later personally realized I draw the present conclusion.

I started my walk and slow transformation twenty years ago and all that I was taught which was wrong could never have prepared me for all that later happened to me. I was totally disillutioned and disorientated because I began to see a different god than the one that I was taught and meant to believe in because of the nasty and severe consequences at every turn that followed me after been given advice from above which I followed willingly or under extreme very difficult pressure at first but with a slowly growing set reality in mind that I have at present.

Present leaders of different faiths, churches, assemblies, cults or of terrorism etc, please be sure that all that you are teaching is correct because otherwise the things that I went through that could have possibly been avoided with better teaching, and when taking into consideration how many you may influence and touch worldwide, will have a reoccurring effect on you and your family and those that provide the funds for you to do it.


3: We need to expose the adversary in as many general areas as possible and then push the lever one area at a time as we are led. We cannot loose even if it is difficult because of the times screaming for change, and it needs to be spread out in such a way that the adversary sees, understands and voluntarily adapts and changes.


4: It's taught, that if we place visions and goals before us and fix our minds on them, they will materialize. This will work for some but not for everyone. If all the auditoriums that this is taught in and if all the video films and CD's that the same is taught on was completely true, this world would not have the problems that it has.

You might listen to the messages read the books, sermons, etc, but it will never work for everyone when cause and effect of all places is missing from the equation. The messages are good but lack balance. The true success of what changes our lives does radically lie in how we live our daily lives as they do teach, but it can’t be done by creating new habits and rituals not tied to “personal” cause and effect especially when destiny will not allow it. Those who are successful because destiny favours them, later try and instil it on others.
It's essential to also take into consideration that all the way through to their success they have certainly for sure been deceived when they have no knowledge of cause and effect, otherwise they would not later teach it the way they do. The success might be there but at what price when lacking balance to see how it all evolves? 


5: Drawing our own conclusions and having faith to see the possible that others can't see is ok but always consider and be prepared for god at work from behind the scene because nothing else comes closer than this, manoeuvring and outmanoeuvring juggling everything at the same time that our own reckoning and imagining can't possibly connect to and fully understand. We ourselves most of the time, except for when we connect and are right which increases with time because of accumulated blessing only see a little at a time and are never in control of it until it buds then opens and slowly blooms but never in the exact way that we at first envisaged or imagined.

Continually being transformed and for then to receive extraordinary and awesome gifting requires this logic especially in wide ranging fields which require more than just one focus, such as becoming the best at a sport we excel in.


6: If god is everything and everything evolves, does that mean god evolves too?

If god is everything and there's good and bad in everything because nothing is perfect and can always improve, then god can't be perfect either and has to be both good and evil?

A little flakey or more than a little flakey but maybe someone else can improve on it because I am not totally happy with it and in two minds whether to have included it or not. Just shows that saying god is everything then all the other things that he is supposed to be have to also tie in and add up. We can't manufacture any old thing or believe in any old thing that we have been fed. The alternative is that we start thinking for ourselves with everything else also to be thought out when we receive it.


7: Anything that is not personally experienced and difficult and painful to achieve is never appreciated as much as if it was. When life's too easy it's not then always appreciated. Wouldn't it be wonderful and more pleasurable with more responsibility if each generation left something for the next one to do so as not to squander what is left them and appreciate it. Living in the spirit presently with added higher knowledge as it leads, means that this can now be achieved and everyone later have to give and take for life to be appreciated and enjoyed. No matter how much money someone makes with a just balance and if he used it to rehabilitate the world and only left his children enough of a base for them themselves to keep working at it, we would find that poverty and suffering slowly would be eradicated and health and life increase. The children and following generations would be also more blessed for it.


8: Some things we do are bad and some are good, hopefully more good otherwise how could we evolve into becoming better people? We fail to keep it together on the good side though, when the cycle of events that conditions life kicks in the bad again.

Ignorance by far is the main contributing factor and circumstances that conditions life add to it.

A person who has needs can’t be asked to stop sinning until those needs are met, and for a person to remain good he has to have a steady income flowing in, otherwise when this income stops, he then has to find ways contrary and involuntary to his nature to be able to survive. Destiny does play a part in this, so that it can then rearrange life as we all deserve because of cause and effect.

We need to realize though, that unless we hear god warning us in time to move out of different areas where we live, when the unexpected arrives and the cash flow stops it is then for some generally too late even if destiny was not against them. It was lack in their ability to hear god that is now placing them in a position to sin for then to survive. This though does not detract from the fact: The need to show more respect for others when those creating problems that could be avoided “destiny allowing” to think ahead and realize the chaos that they will cause and the sin that will fall back on them, when it’s their turn to be caught out, and this makes no difference then, “in whether they can hear god or not!”

Global society needs to think hard on this one! God's or destiny's present plans will never be consummated, for love peace and joy to increase unless all people are given a living or actual support, for sin then to be eliminated. This can never be achieved if the cash cow remains where it is or the system as it is. Troubles will increase because its the only way when those that fail to see this continue forging ahead on the wrong paths.


9: Nelson Mandela:

With freedom comes responsibility.

Having laws does not mean they are right when some of them were written in such a way that those who wrote them and their associates through them could take advantage of others.

Freedom does not mean that anyone can take advantage of another less aware or impossible for them to do the same, when their freedom does not allow it. 

In an ethical and moralistic society neither obscene nor unnatural practices should be forced on others. They should be censored and lived modestly and appropriately in public. In private consenting adults should be free to do as they please if this is destiny's fate for them without enticing others by subjecting it upon them and saying there's nothing wrong with it.


10: The reality of this; is that it might just be a blessing in disguise.

It will be really worth it and therefore highly desirable that you do not linger amongst present inconpatible acquaintances whom you have to let go off, now that you are trying to restore and rebuild a new life for yourself.


11: Life is about living and doing what we enjoy best but will have its pitfalls  and consequences when the things we enjoy are not caring and respectfully  oriented towards self and others that we come into contact with.


12: It's always better to tell the truth even when it hurts than tell lies, but wisdom should always be applied if in the end it's going to create bigger problems and greater discord than when a simple single lie would suffice. This should not become an habitual occurrence though.


13: In the disfunctional world that we live in, we need to stand out from those around us if we care enough to make a difference. We can't do this if we quietly lie down and are not noticed when the time is ripe for us to be seen and heard.


14:Destiny places before us good and evil and as we live and make decisions, "what we sow we reap."


15: When something is evidently wrong from the beginning, we have to forget destiny later turning a blind eye to it and this why it returns it in kind.


16: Can life be made simple if we chose what we want and we just go for it? A wise man thinks before he acts because not all things pleasing to the eyes and desires can provide the true essences of life.


17: Many of those that were taught, "god never let's you down" and this including preachers.  After finding out it was not true because of their problematic ongoing lives where destiny could not help them, in the end they turned their back on god, with some becoming atheists.


18: No one can become totally new within all that the present times are providing and remain in their present faiths for ever. By participating in all that they say and continue to practice you are denying the new better you the real opportunity of shedding the different shades of darkness that exist throughout the multi-faiths. This will not help your better destiny to improve faster and better when pieces of the old you are hanging to and not shedding are creating dead weight. Remember this: You are making it difficult for yourself because no one can enjoy the best of both worlds and truly overcome. Nevertheless; you are your own boss and in charge of your own destiny. Life later though will tell a different story when everything we say and do recrates for better or worse, increasing or destroying life into the next generations. Cut loose and turn the lights full on, never let darkness hinder you. It saves time on your journey by being able to see always further ahead and not extremely bad timing when you are not expected to be where you are not meant to be.


19: The moral dangers of excesses because of  supremacy and lack of wisdom, encapsulates us in unrestrainedly unethical and moral adversity lacking upstanding fibre in the foundations of everything which then keeps us forever treading on thin ice constantly waiting to drown us. If there were upstanding loyal institutions leading the way these extremes would not be so evident. Simple codes and rules are no longer sufficient to create enough possible transparency to take us into infinity for the necessary growth in life to sustain quality of life absolutely original and linear in keeping with peaceful and absolutely brilliant tranquil surroundings.


20: Many after becoming famous and millionaire's, later fall back into obscurity and have to face again the root of pain and die sickly and destitute. Watch carefully how you reach the top and be steady and sensibly wise for then not to fall all the way down even when having to fight destiny that's trying to drag you back. The proper rules of life and not those presently in existence must be taught and learned well in advance because otherwise the unexpected will catch us out.