Chapter 69 j



1: Knowledge significance and meaning is in everything and god the computer can talk to you through everything and anything providing that you allow it to?


2: This is the question:  Are you perfect and do you need to personally keep on moving towards perfection?

Accepting Jesus as your lord and saviour; does it totally remove all curses and burdens from upon your life and does it bring you totally from darkness to light?

If it does; you are then perfect and don’t need to do nothing else to save yourself because he has done it once and for all on the cross by the shedding of his blood?

Remember that you need to choose either one or the other but not both if you are not to allow deception to any longer be a part of you. I hope for your sake that you choose the right one?


3: Problems will continue at the best of times but will become worse unless you allow the computer to clear up your problematic background due to past sin.

To efficiently be able to do this; the computer because of your database that it holds has to be given the opportunity to do it in line with it and not your way as you were accustomed to doing all manner of things in the past.

You must have total faith and trust with maximum patience knowing that it will take you through.

Split timing is essential and therefore you have to be still and wait for the right opportune times and moments for then whatever is meant to arise and take place to happen for blessing to flow or to be accumulated and used up elsewhere later.


4: This may apply to more than one area of life.

Not everyone because of their particular individual destiny can follow set guidelines even when it’s in their own best interest to do so?


5: I meet people whom destiny would like to give the website to this book to but their answer is; I only read the bible, I only read the qur’an. All I can say; is that the spirit can’t then help them as it would like to.


6: The scripture teaches: To worship god in spirit and truth.

If all that you have been taught is not truth, what kind of spirit are you worshipping in because of what you are saying or singing?

It’s certainly not the holy spirit that you have been led to believe it is just because it activates your worship but none other than a confusing lying one which manifests according to different beliefs that no longer can maintain that all that is taught is correct.

The same one spirit because all it is, is magnetic waves or other innovation reproducing different effects tied to our destined merits.

Jesus not being god and you believing it by worshipping him, what kind of spirit are you manifesting if all that you are saying is not truth?  


7: We should never laugh, smirk or rejoice at other people’s misfortune.

We should never hold grudges or rancour, otherwise it will have an effect on our state of being (mind and health) and also allow others to do the same to us personally or descendants whenever we are involved. 


8: Storms and floods; an unprecedented year in 2014 for Great Britain.

Communities relentlessly affected week after week with some not prepared and neglected coping as best they can.   

One gentleman at the coast in England on BBC News commenting on the very powerful storms said: The gods are punishing us but I don’t know what for?

It’s great to see that he understands in his own way that the gods (plural) that he mentions do punish us but he fails to connect that the utter devastation is also influenced by sin or other  needless catastrophic occurrences created by Great Britain elsewhere.


9: How hypocritical and how contradictive:

Jesus died for our sins. The human lamb sacrificed and offered on the cross for our sins "free of charge." At what cost to him though in trying to rectify life for the better. No different today when anyone goes up against authority without the necessary blessing to not be liquidated.

At the same time when we sin. The wages of sin is death.

In no way can both be practical. “It’s either one or the other.”

No longer can we believe both; that Jesus totally saves and resurrects us but god punishes and destroys us?

Everything needs to be taken to a higher level and not left in its simple state.


10: The greater majority always ask god to help everyone but continually fail to understand that he can’t help everyone. It would be real easy if he could?


11: From the moment anyone starts accepting any particular factual reality, their lives will have a different significance and make a different impact.


12: Life is about creating ourselves anew but at the same time also helping to create others anew.

Only in balanced living will we ever find peace and happiness and this only through those around us and a global community based spirit without dissent.


13: As truth increases it will unlock answers and there will be no more hiding places to hide in or hide behind. The focus points will be absorbed and exposed without fear but boldness when the need to speak out exists as unity and connections in numbers takes over.


14: The future will require that rules become strict but at the same time reasonable wherever necessary. Tolerance has to become part of us but not when anyone continually abuses it unless they can’t help themselves.

The balance of knowing how to react rests in how well we can hear the spirit.

Man on his own will always create further strife when trying to rectify the problems that ongoing destiny creates whenever the full cycle of events takes over and provides an opposite effect or the need for change.


15: Nothing ever gives anyone the right to live lavish lifestyles because the balance and distribution of wealth is unrealistically controlled and made through unlawful concepts that fail the rest of society whenever it does not also provide for them in an adequate manner. Using or abusing others to create personal or corporate empires is presently something that has to seriously be reviewed and stamped out unless we wish to continue to see the awful scenes of dissent and upheaval that are reverberating globally around us without relenting.

The politicians or all those that favour the mass movement of people because labour becomes extremely cheap and for them to line their pockets in the process is disturbing to say the least and this eventually will blow up in their faces.

Driving people to work hard for a pittance so that they can feather their nests and make fortunes in an extreme manner takes away mans dignity with power resting unbalanced and over time will come back to spearhead the evil that will arise.

No one should any longer have to work extremely hard so that it then not only affects their health but also destroys how they think and react. Everyone should be given work and in this way be able to spread the load around. Does it matter if the employer does not make as much but nevertheless can live comfortably? This can only happen when international markets are controlled in a way that we change and learn to serve one another in a basic way and not lording it over one another in ways that control us through supply and demand. We should learn to adapt to our surroundings and create or grow what is best for the area according to its resources and then distributed fairly to the global populace with labour moving around wherever destiny takes them.

It's very obvious that it will create problems for rich people that are unaccustomed to doing a days work when it has been left to them by those before but if we wish to extend life and health in general, "the answer lies right here."


16: Time flies by and the years roll on but only by trusting and leaning on god from a very early age will life have a sense of order and its existence worthwhile.

The difference is either; living life as a diabolical amateur and leaving its undesired effects in its wake or a sound solid committed well experienced professional leaving wholeness and wellbeing wherever life takes one.


17: The world does not measure or consider the consequences for the way it goes forward without the relevant knowledge that could take man into different dimensions and momentous times because of better relations.

The light in a dark world always becomes greater when relationships within society are allowed to increase and become better.

The concept is to conceive and make way for relationships that hold fast even in times of trouble but truly impossible when balance is too one sided.

Relationships that were conceived in times of plenty will presently in bad times be tested but as much as possible must hold fast wherever possible even though unlikely in major cases when the balance between one individual and another falls apart due to extremes that tip the scales too much on one side.

Those in power, who are sober and have a conscience have to understand this and must act by personally showing the way for the solutions to arrive and bring unity and not divisions back into the equation if they value the relationships that they were once part off and feel safe wherever they and their families are meant to enjoy life.

They should not wait to have proof of this because where the people will not be able to get to them the computer says; that destiny through whichever means that will be given him "definitely will." 

Magnificent achievements and good news to stop grief and unrest can start with self sacrifices, and you can begin by doing just that! “Take a considerable hefty wage cut because no one is realistically worth some of the wages that they are being paid unless they are actually not only fools but mad to believe it, and instead of looking for increases try living on a minimum wage let alone for less, for six months and see what life is really all about!”

You should be ashamed when you walk about in the street and look at people in the face and understand that it's because of your extremes that people are starving, committing suicide and are being killed in the existing worldwide unrest. "SHAME ON YOU!!!" And not only please stop being hypocrites by representing charities when living your lifestyles but also stop being big boys as if you understand life and believe that you can put things right when you are still infants and will not grow up!!!

Will someone who’s not blind, please inform them of this, and I do thank you if you do it on behalf of the downtrodden from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you most faithfully and sincerely from a heart that feels for others that the wealthy and rich don’t have.


18: Those who have and continue to work from behind the scene and believe that they have created the world into what it has become for the best, only see the positive and not the negative because of the positions that they embrace in life and of which are out of place and balance.

This does not mean that you don't totally not care and don't have emotions it's just that you don't understand that you have it wrong and now need to look for the right solutons with a capital "A" because it's ultimately time for change.

It’s pointless looking at or standing below the Statue of Liberty and not really realising what it truly stands for and for then, to allow ignorance to continue to rule for ever. 


19: No one is chosen or entrusted with god’s mysteries or any other professional capacity.

We do what we have to do because it’s our turn to serve the rest of humanity in this manner, all because of created destinies in ways that sometimes leave us no other choice but to accomplish or fill whatever task or gap befalls upon us "at different times in our lives."


19: Being informed without acting on it unless you’re not meant to, is not a complete waste of time but a large proportion of it is. “You will be able to go up to another level because of the realisation but not totally fulfil and claim the whole blessing.”