Chapter 73



This book as it grows will become real, dealing with everyday needs and events with wisdom and understanding better suited to this era.


In the event that you would wish to restructure your destiny in the most efficient of ways, you have to then willingly place yourself in the computers hands and it will do it for you even when you don’t agree, most proficiently and accurate within available best all round possible results.


What you eat, raw hot or cold and the state it’s in.


What you wear, shabby smart, clean or dirty and the longer you leave it the dirtier it will become.


What you drive, dented old or brand new, irrespective of make colour or model and whether you have to clean it or look after it as you should or not.


Where you work, taking the good with the bad at appointed times and if necessary moving from one place of work to another with the availability and possibility to relocate to different companies in a diversity of ways by constantly keeping in line with destiny, otherwise the vicious circle of cause and effect without finding balance will not be broken.


Where you shop, buying the best or the worse, expensive or very cheap because it will have to incorporate everything both good and bad to your liking or not.


Who you go out with because the above applies to everything that we do as part of destiny which is cause and effect constantly on the move.


The spirit will lead you into areas that you did not know even existed.


This is the only way everything against you can be remodelled. Waiting for the eventual day when everything around you falls apart is then no excuse when you have been told beforehand.


This should be taught so that then there are no mistakes and those that should teach it will then not be held responsible for not doing so.


We can see that from the verse above this one that god is slowly applying the rod of steel.   


Everything in life is related and everything that follows makes us responsible to underlying or unseen consequences which we may know or not know about. This does not excuse us when we support it or may take advantage of it because it’s a way of making money or even a meagre living and it will then slowly accumulate against us or at different stages of successive generations.


Chain reaction or knock on effects always follow and it’s advisable to allow the spirit to help readdress issues wherever possible and as soon as possible to lighten or remove burdens in the best unimaginable way that we as ordinary beings would have no hope of achieving without his knowledge and express understanding in which areas to work with first.