Chapter 81



Whether awake or asleep the spirit is always with us. Whether we recognise this and are fully conscious of it, "that is a different matter?"


We don’t have to go before god and for his presence to enter into our midst for him to be with us, as those who can’t hear god and in incredible amount of ways that exist without limiting him believe. This is why they are absolutely dogmatically stuck on all that their holy books and any other added doctrine that is taught to them and need the outward different manifestations for then, to stay faithful to it.


I have said before that god does not talk to us in a voice because we are not schizophrenic. What I meant, is that it’s not constant but he can nevertheless, may or not talk in a voice if even minutely. Who are we to say how destiny affects all of us and what god can do or cannot do?


The spirit guides all our thoughts and movements, otherwise; maintaining a true exact just destiny would be impossible.


Everything happening worldwide is in his control night and day, and therefore: He neither slept nor rested on the seventh day that the bible teaches after the world was created.


Seventh day adventists save yourselves, get knowledge and stop your nonsensical and false legalistic practises by having to go to church on a Saturday while everyone else is wrong because they do it at different times.


Be careful that you don’t believe how the world was created because like everything else a process has to take place for things to happen in different places and times even though in principle I partly and in very small limited ways hold reservation because anything can manifest at any time and become tangible if it’s meant to be but if not tied to cause and effect it’s obviously unjust and not reality and for the computer to speak and everything appear in place over the whole world especially light, is rather far-fetched and only for people living in bible times to believe.


You would need a rather large apparatus to shroud and stop the light from the sun from covering the earth even if it was nearer to the sun as compared to the moon when there is an eclipse and then remove it very fast for light to appear instantly.


Whoever wrote Genesis if it was not Moses must have seen an eclipse and was inspired to write it down and explain it as he did? We therefore; need to be very careful in how to judge our belief in everything and later pass comment if we are not to be deceived and at the same time pass the deception on. 


Everything not correct will be torn down brick by brick making holy books and man's further "fearless" unworthy irresponsible teaching something to be questioned and set aside if we value life and for it to increase.


Man's "fearless" and "determined" attitude to push forth their own doctrine "stupidly at all cost" will cost them and the rest of society their lives, when without change it can't increase. 


This is not quite the style that we need in these troubled times or is it? When ignorance is not allowed to fade away fast enough!!


Will destiny forgive though? I personally don't believe so! DO YOU?


Try and imagine by closing your eyes and giving yourself cause for credit by trying to avoid the scenario that comes to mind when possibly later living in the worldwide further to arrive trouble spots.


You might be someone exactly living at this moment in line and in the area of those trouble spots without realising because everything around you is quiet.


The reality of it is; that you have to try and wake up those around you that are sleepwalking that you care for, “before it’s too late!”


The West "WERE YOU MAY BE LIVING" or other once safe areas are no longer safe as they once were!!!


Only those that will produce and allow to come forth out of them the most that is correct and in the fastest time because they are the smartest and can hear destiny calling and talking to them intuitively and instinctively or other means without limiting god, will achieve wonders in these times.


The secret to be set free lies in believing and at the same time acting for maximum blessing to descend.