United For And Towards Love Dignity And Peace 82



Again: Well done Pope Francissssssssssssss wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I have to commend him for the many things he is trying to put right but the main issue that I believe in destiny’s time that he should embark on is between capitalism and poverty from within the stock markets that control it.


The other thing that he has said that struck me; was that by using one’s conscience it would get you into heaven. He made no referral that “you had accept Jesus as your lord and saviour for then, to be saved.”


This is a brilliant step forward for him and also regarding all that I have tried to explain throughout this book, that conscience and right doing through knowledge and actions for self and towards our neighbour is the only thing that saves man by creating heaven here on earth and not going to heaven at death which he intended?


Some more work within his mind has to take shape regarding this subject if it’s not already present, given that he is unable to change too much at once and requires great skill in doing so that only the above computer can impart to him and presently not wise to divulge.


I must say; I don’t hear much about the present archbishop of Canterbury and in the way he could possibly use his skills in addressing capitalism and its undoubtedly necessary slow demise?


Perhaps he is lacking the voice of the spirit and therefore can’t hear destiny screaming out at him to do something about it if world peace and not unrest is to follow all the rest of our lives and future generations?


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Pope Francis has: Has his revolution even started?


Paul Vallely