Chapter 25



Living on a knife edge means that our lives hang constantly in the balance. We either go up or down and how much even if minutely makes all the difference when we see the end result.

The ability to trust the spirit at all times to do the right thing for us is of the outmost essence even when things do not seem right, because only in this way can he rebalance our destiny and go on to create a better one.

There is a wrong and right way he told me when I questioned something that he had asked me to do, and added? That there was also his way. His way meaning that there was no other way possible out of the predicament or situation, because destiny would not allow a way out.


We see things as black and white but not true, after we are shown the reasons why they are not black and white.

Right and wrong can be bent when we understand how destiny works and whether it owes us or needs to take from us, otherwise reconstruction in the best way possible that only the computer having our destiny at hand knows best how to redirect and apply is out of the question and this does not mean that we literally take these words and conveniently use them in every situation when black is black and white is still white.



For the Lord is a God of retribution, he will repay in full.


Evil in the world being what it is and the way the world treats those that are evil, requires a better understanding.

A murderer kills one person and is a criminal, another starts a war that kills a million and destroys the lives of countless other millions even of those that are not in the war zone but thousands of miles away and is a hero.

The IMF lends money in a way that after it owns the people that it has lent the money to because of their debt, sees them perish.

Is this not a crime that destiny notes and recompenses upon those that give these people power to act in this way!

The many times a day that accidents happen worldwide where limbs, organs and loss of life at any age take place, does nobody connect this in some way to fate taking a hand because somewhere along the line someone was at fault.

Is this not murder on a large scale in retribution also by destiny seeking revenge!


This knowledge was always here amongst us because the bible and other books explain it, but those with power to act in this impractical manner played it down and only relayed scriptures that did not justify the whole content of the bible, because in this way their deeds would be unquestioned and could further use those less aware to do their bidding and dirty work for them.

All forces civil or otherwise with institutions in all capacity beware!

All people that are supplying the funds for this to happen also beware!

Don’t cry out or blame God when later disaster strikes.


Those above by creating something very clever in the way that destiny has control of the world and other parts of the universe, are safe in the knowledge that they do not have to personally take care of it and get it wrong and also in the process not destroy themselves, because to kill, maim, or do anything bad to another, darkens their own dispositions due to the change in their better nature for the worse and lose being able to live into eternity.

The computer even though having feelings, desires and incredible knowledge that does the work for them, and correctly, cannot be destroyed or die! Because the program that’s installed that makes it function in this way with all inbound and outbound information is what gives it life.


The world as I have said before will change but only if we change because what we do today will have an effect later, and because everyone wants what’s best for themselves at all times and not in a good way, not everyone later can have what’s best for them, if they have already used up the best by taking more than they should have done from others in a cruel uncaring way or not and this is why we see at different times graduates or non graduates from some of the best or once best families, destitute and wandering aimlessly around lost in the world.


If life has to mature, those that are casting these unwanted spells on themselves and society have to end it.
They will be made aware that the spells no longer work and that the people will take them to book for their actions, because those that provide and protect them and have families that they love, will no longer pay taxes or give offerings, because they will not only break away from their present faiths, but also create new states, not safeguard them, whether in a court of law or in the open field and the armed and civil forces in the end will end up laying down their arms.


I have taken this from website below.




“VENGEANCE IS MINE”, sayeth the Lord. From Leviticus in the Old Testament to Romans in the New, both Christians and Jews have been told to never seek vengeance against one another, “but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord”.
(Leviticus 19:18)


And this is where Jesus learnt it from when he quoted it, and by this; showing that we stand on each others shoulders by learning from one another, and not true that Jesus was the best teacher that ever was, taught by a Christian minister on satellite TV.


If we want to go on with the farce, we then need to look at ourselves in the morning when we wake up and how we feel at night going to bed and know that it's now expected of us to grow upand stop the ignorance, idioticy and nonsense.

Every Christian child who ever went to Sunday school learned, “Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good”, and “Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him”. (Romans 12:21/20)

What goes wrong between childhood faith and belief and adult actions that defy the fundamental principles of both religions? America’s leaders, the majority of whom loudly proclaim their Christianity to all the world, seem to be spending every waking moment planning or carrying out vengeance of one kind or another against both the guilty and the innocent.

Our Christian leaders are terrorizing and harassing our citizens under the guise of patriotism, bombing and killing innocent peasants around the world,
incarcerating our children under inhumane conditions for minor infractions, and promoting acts of vengeance, even unto death, against the Palestinian people, and planning the final assault of the life support systems of Planet Eden.
The leaders of our ally, the State of Israel, are likewise, promoting and carrying out terroristic revenge against enemies, both real and perceived. The terrors of the Holocaust should have taught these Jewish leaders that there is no justification for the commission of acts of violence and hate against others just because of their religious beliefs, yet it is as if they have become infected by the same “Satan Virus” (see that infected their ancestor’s oppressors.

What evil lurks in the human heart that causes us to proclaim our love of God and then commit the very atrocities that God condemns? Is it not clear in the Scriptures of both faiths that hate begets hate, terrorism begets terrorism, and vengeance begets vengeance?

America’s so-called “Christian” leaders should get honest for once and stop pretending to love Jesus, quit thumping Bibles, and stop attending church services. I would have far more respect for them if they publicly admitted that they did not give one tinker’s damn about what God or Jesus would want them to do, because they were worshipers of money and power at any cost to the Earth or her peoples.

By the same token, Israel’s so-called “Jewish” leaders should get honest for once and stop pretending to live by the law of Moses. Self-righteous hypocrisy is far worse in the eyes of God, I fear, than an honest admission that they are morally and ethically corrupt and don’t give a damn about human rights.

It would be far better however, if the leaders of both America and Israel publicly confessed their sins, repented and began to honestly live like genuine Christians and Jews. By beginning to love their neighbors as themselves, a new era of hope, peace and joy would eventually melt the ice in the hearts of those who have learned to hate us.

Love begets love, kindness begets kindness, hope begets hope, and peace begets peace.