Chapter 39



10 – April – 2013


I have received no emails to date. It must surely mean that the mind is still at work digesting the content, and bless you with it.


Along my travels today always led by the spirit, I have encountered a Roman Catholic priest of Italian origin in his early eighties, very affable and charismatic and still in charge of a local church. After exchanging pleasantries and general information with the spirit in charge, we then reached a point in the conversation where the subject of destiny arose.


His answer to my question regarding destiny was such, that for a while I was left shocked and speechless and my thoughts completely numb.

He quite plainly stated that he did not believe in destiny because frankly it was not in the gospels.


I then went on to say that Jesus himself in the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 explained some of the principles of destiny and that in other places; “both in the New and Old Testament” clearly depicting destiny at work through cause and effect or kharma, with the main scripture in Galatians: 6-7 God is not mocked for whatever a man sows he will also reap. Meaning: That all that we say and do from the minimal to the maximum for good or bad will always repay us in kind. This to me at least, let alone others simply means that we create future destiny.

He still went away adamant in his belief that destiny had no part to play in our lives.


Looking at other websites there are so many other Christian teachers making it clear that what we sow we reap, with some mentioning karmah and cause and effect that I have taught throughout this book; without allowing the fact to escape us, that what we sow, we also reap! There can then be no doubt or mistakes, that God forgiving sin is a non goer and not true reality. Why do those who are believers say god willing during conversations or end them on this note? Because once destiny is created, god then holds our destinies in his hands and we cannot receive something that's not available for us to have.


Failing to understand this: Is like having a box full of dynamite being the bible and other Holy books, but lacking the match to light the fuse.


Einstein said: Intellectuals solve problems: Geniuses prevent them.


Socrates said: Talent hits a target no one else can hit: Geniuses hit a target no one else can see.


By the way: For the record.


Those in New Age that are breaking away from present mainstream society and confidently creating their own state or states with better laws, because they do not believe that they should pay taxes to governments that abuse finances in so many wrong ways with the main one of promoting war, and rightly so. Please beware though? that giving each individual one acre of land to work and provide for themselves, on principle is no different from communism, but obviously with less control because the individual can freely choose in how best to utilize their acre, but is one acre enough today with the cost of living as it is, to be adequately provided for? Because it was never enough in the olden days to be totally self sufficient and you went without. Those that are not old enough and were never brought up in a self subsistence way will not see the trials they will encounter until too late.

I have stated prior to now that communism can never work, because it's impossible to start at par, all at one level when destiny individually rules our lives every step of the way. Who will get the best acre, and who will protect the state if it is over-run?

After asking this question! A certain gentleman replied "those that police the world."

I kept quiet, but thought to myself. I hope you are right when you are putting nothing into the kitty when freedom is a price that no one can ignore and everyone should contribute to maintain it. It's expected of us but but not to fund unnecessary wars that we don't need if we are not going to be punished for them.

Another matter to consider; will you! To provide extra income create your own jobs, or will you still carry on working at your jobs in another state while registering in your particular state for taxes? To run any state requires finances and if you are not contributing. This is not fair.

Anyone not paying their dues but enjoying everything that any state provides makes this not fair and God takes it into account and will repay later when all is said and done.

We can't exploit everything to our advantage and not later at some point in time not face the consequences for our inefficient way of looking at things when only taken from a one sided objective.

I must say though that in the current climate and with present states in very complicated situations, forming their own state if this is what they feel god is telling them to do might be a way of providing for themselves through the troubles ahead. 


The only way that love our neighbor as ourselves can work, is to give everyone a fair deal for sure, but all the time that those higher up make larger amounts of capital; they should in some way rebalance its power, and this can only be done by allowing the spirit the freedom to work freely through us, with each one receiving a little bit more than the other as they deserve, until as time passes the same process over and over again provides the equilibrium, but life must be lived in a way where we educate and promote one another and not just those that see eye to eye with us .


This is the solution, but at the same time wishful thinking, with the present conditions in society throughout, but more so right at the heart of governments and religion. The two main culprits that should by rights being so blessed and so intelligent by their reckoning, should know better, but god did say! That he would confound the wisdom of the wise, and aren't they confused? Why are they confused? When anyone in so many ways confuses and baffles others because they don't know any better, or could not care less, sooner or later they will have to suffer the same consequences, and there is no peaceful solution when they relentlessly continue along the same path and can't see the obvious that's staring at them right in the face.


There is still another thing I would like to mention regarding the bureaucracy in some states as opposed to others.

Because of the bureaucracy financial legality and extraordinary length of time required to do anything in some states, with the added favours at a later date that some of those in office expect as part of helping to resolve matters expediently and with certainty. Is this fair, and is this good for the nation? And is this not good reason alone to bypass all of this and register companies elsewhere and also pay less taxes in the bargain, especially when in countries like Italy where everything revolves around bureaucracy and favours. They say that one hand washes the other and it's obviously against the law but part of the culture gone wrong. 

Governments that do nothing to change the trend or culture that time has developed, have only themselves to blame when individuals go abroad elsewhere. Oversights when not taken into account because governments don't act fast enough, by initiating reforms in the present global run away changing climate. Over a long period of time could become very costly for their economy. 


I would recommend anyone setting up a social charitable or community based objectives,  or from the 1st of April 2013 charitable incorporated subsistence organisation (ISO) still LTD, easy and with minimal fuss and where all this ineffective way of doing things does not exist. A typical country being England where everything is organised and run efficiently, without any fuss or favours at a minimal cost and things instantly placed in order on the internet.